Bearing the Cross Quiz | One Week Quiz A

David Garrow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bearing the Cross Quiz | One Week Quiz A

David Garrow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9, The Meredith March, 'Black Power', and the Chicago Open-Housing Protests, 1966.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who approved several wiretaps on King's personal phone lines?
(a) Ralph Abernathy.
(b) Gerald Ford.
(c) J. Edgar Hoover.
(d) Robert Kennedy.

2. King became the assistant pastor at what church?
(a) Second Methodist.
(b) Emmanuel Baptist.
(c) South Atlanta Methodist.
(d) Ebenezer Baptist.

3. In Chicago, the movement included nine points in their demand about what?
(a) Church equality.
(b) Police employment.
(c) Bus schedules.
(d) Fair housing.

4. Where was some of the worst police violence seen through 1964?
(a) Summertree.
(b) Birmingham.
(c) Danville.
(d) Montgomery.

5. Who called the judge on the trial and suggested that King had a right to bond while waiting his appeal?
(a) Robert Kennedy.
(b) Malcolm X.
(c) Coretta King.
(d) Richard Nixon.

Short Answer Questions

1. When King was pulled over while driving, what did he not have?

2. The grand jury in St. Augustine said they would agree to form a biracial committee after the Civil Rights activists did what?

3. The four major Civil Rights organizations joined together to create what organization?

4. Why did the Freedom Riders feel disappointed in King?

5. King taped the list of demands to a door where?

(see the answer key)

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