Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Batman warn Catwoman to stop doing?
2. Who does Carmine say Maroni has a tendency to surround himself with?
3. Who are Harvey and Jim discussing in the kitchen?
4. Where was the Joker being held prisoner?
5. What crime are Mickey and his gang responsible for?
Short Essay Questions
1. What do Carmine and Carla fight about in this section?
2. Who is Harvey Dent?
3. How does Catwoman save Batman in chapter five?
4. How is the Joker introduced into the story?
5. How does Catwoman save Bruce Wayne from Poison Ivy?
6. What problems does Harvey Dent have in this section?
7. Why does Falcone kill Richard Daniel?
8. What is Batman's relationship with Solomon Grundy?
9. Why does Carmine think Sal is responsible for the Holiday killings?
10. Who is Calender Man?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
In what way is family and the affects a family can have on a person a major part of the story? Choose one character from the story and discuss how their family has affected their actions in the story.
Essay Topic 2
Choose one of the following statements to write a 400 word critical essay.
1. Loeb includes too many villains into the story and without any reason.
2. The Batman is too flawed and difficult for the reader to relate to.
3. The problem with recreating the Batman story is that most people already know the characters and therefore it difficult to create an atmosphere of drama and suspense.
Essay Topic 3
What is the significance of the murders happening on specific calender dates in the year? Choose one of the murders and discuss what significance the day that character was killed has on the story?
This section contains 714 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |