The Basketball Diaries Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Basketball Diaries Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What animal does Jim say exemplifies presence?
(a) Cheetah.
(b) Crow.
(c) Cow.
(d) Chimp.

2. Why does Jim punch Larry out in the school trophy room?
(a) Larry makes fun of his hair.
(b) Larry trips him.
(c) Larry dares him to do it.
(d) Larry insists he was reading Time magazine first.

3. Who blows his cool in the locker room at half time in the game against Horace Mann?
(a) Coach Doolittle.
(b) Marc.
(c) Lang.
(d) Jim.

4. Who does Jim say was gunned down at a ballroom near 163rd?
(a) Wilt Chamberlain.
(b) James Bond.
(c) Malcolm X.
(d) Abe Lincoln.

5. Jim says, "I just want to be _____ and live in the _____."
(a) Tough/streets.
(b) High/woods.
(c) Rich/city.
(d) Adored/now.

Short Answer Questions

1. What specialty does Jim say crooks on the Lower East Side have in common?

2. Who does Jim offer a joint to in the winter of 1964?

3. How does Jim describe the guys in his new neighborhood?

4. What does Jim's gym class mainly do at Central Park?

5. What does Jim say his eyes feel like when sniffing cleaning fluid?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why doesn't Jim like walking to gym class in Central Park?

2. Why does Jim run out of the theater during the movie?

3. Why is Jimmy Mancole behaving strangely, after he and Jim knock on every door and check every street corner looking for drugs?

4. How does Jim end up playing on a new team at the summer league championship game?

5. In the winter of 1964, how does Jim try to prove he is not hooked onmarijuana?

6. What behavior puzzles Jim about his rich classmates?

7. Why does Jim say he never liked Bobo from the old Boys' Club bunch?

8. Why isn't Jim going to tell anyone he was in a baby powder commercial?

9. What does Jim say is the worst part of his addiction?

10. What does Jim claim he and his friends have mastered?

(see the answer keys)

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