The Basketball Diaries Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Basketball Diaries Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jim think about more than Karl Marx?
(a) A-bombs.
(b) Russians.
(c) A fire truck.
(d) Cops.

2. Where does Jim go to get treated for the clap?
(a) The Board of Health.
(b) A doctor's office.
(c) Tony's house.
(d) The emergency room.

3. What do Jim and his friends see on the sidewalk on their way to breakfast at Ratner's?
(a) A naked woman.
(b) A bag of money.
(c) A library book.
(d) A lost dog.

4. What does Jim say the junkies shove in their mouths?
(a) Donuts and coffee.
(b) Poison.
(c) Broken glass.
(d) Drugs.

5. What does Jim tell the police officer he is doing, when he is spotted in his school blazer during the day?
(a) Looking for a job.
(b) Minding his own business.
(c) He was on a field trip but lost his class.
(d) Social work project.

6. As he nears his 15th birthday, why does Jim start feeling that he should quit drugs?
(a) He can no longer afford a habit.
(b) He is hoping to get a basketball scholarship.
(c) He wants to please his parents.
(d) School is starting soon.

7. What does everyone at headquarters chip in to buy after Willie Bender's death?
(a) Flowers.
(b) A pizza.
(c) A bottle of whiskey.
(d) A wreath.

8. Why doesn't Jim's summer league team use Lewie Alcindor?
(a) Lewie is a varsity player.
(b) Lewie is too tall.
(c) Lewie shows up to the game without a uniform.
(d) Lewie decides to go to a karate tournament.

9. How does Jim disguise himself while robbing a man in the park?
(a) He wears a bandana over his face.
(b) He wears make-up.
(c) He puts his hair in a beret.
(d) He wears a ski mask.

10. At the end of the spring 1965, who approaches Jim in a Bronx neighborhood?
(a) A little girl.
(b) A taxi driver.
(c) A drug dealer.
(d) A police officer.

11. Who accompanies Jim to 89th to find a dealer?
(a) Marc.
(b) Bobby Blake.
(c) Anton Neutron.
(d) David Lang.

12. Who goes with Jim to get food at the hamburger place on 207th St.?
(a) Butch.
(b) Cal.
(c) Barry.
(d) Brian.

13. What does Jim leave in the basement where he shoots up?
(a) His math book.
(b) His wallet.
(c) His belt.
(d) His keys.

14. Where does Frank Pinewater's mother take him in hopes of curing his drug habit?
(a) To the desert.
(b) The Boys' Club.
(c) High Mass.
(d) The emergency room.

15. What age does Jim recall that keeps returning to him one day in the summer 1965?
(a) When he was six.
(b) When he was three.
(c) When he was twelve.
(d) When he was nine.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jim end up at Riker's Island Juvenile Reformatory?

2. How much does Jim's medical treatment cost?

3. What is Jim's new money-making scheme, in which he uses his lock slapping skills?

4. What does Jim steal from the back of a truck in the summer of 1966?

5. Who catches Bobby Blake on a stool at Gussie's Soda Fountain?

(see the answer keys)

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