The Basketball Diaries Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Basketball Diaries Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jim's mother say when he calls her from Tom Miggrello's party?
(a) "I'm glad you called."
(b) "You're drunk."
(c) "You really did it this time."
(d) "Who won the game?"

2. What does Rudy the foreman do after he chases Jim to the ramp at Yankee Stadium?
(a) Rips off his badge and orders him to get the ice cream.
(b) Demands he appologize to the fans.
(c) Tells him he will be permanently on popcorn duty.
(d) Suggests they sit down and discuss what happened.

3. Where is Brother G. reported to be when he doesn't return to school?
(a) Hawaii.
(b) Long Island.
(c) New Jersey.
(d) Ithaca.

4. Who does Jim plan to get drunk with in his new neighborhood?
(a) A few weed-heads.
(b) His cousin Kevin.
(c) A girl next door.
(d) His mom.

5. What substance does Jim try that he thinks is non-addictive?
(a) Aspirin.
(b) Marijuana.
(c) Heroin.
(d) Speed.

6. Why does Jim get three raps across the hand at school?
(a) For throwing bricks.
(b) For getting a D for effort.
(c) For talking back to a teacher.
(d) For putting his elbows on the table at lunch.

7. Willie goes to the beach to wash what out of his hair?
(a) Ketchup.
(b) Pizza.
(c) Soda.
(d) Blood.

8. Why does Jim call Chris the "spiller"?
(a) Chris pretends to be drunk but pours out most of the drinks.
(b) Everyone else calls him that.
(c) Chris's last name rhymes with "spiller."
(d) Chris knocks things over when he is drunk.

9. What TV show do Willie and Jim make fun of at their party in the woods?
(a) The Addams Family.
(b) Superman.
(c) The Lone Ranger.
(d) The Galloping Gourmet.

10. Who do Willie and Jim look for on the beach in Long Beach?
(a) Tom Miggrello.
(b) Tom McNulty.
(c) Benny Greenbaum.
(d) The Celia sisters.

11. How old does Jim say his dead friend looks?
(a) 16.
(b) 80.
(c) 60.
(d) 35.

12. What does Jim's gym class mainly do at Central Park?
(a) Play touch football.
(b) Run.
(c) Play soccer.
(d) Gymnastics.

13. What does Jim do on the eve of Halloween that leads to a beating?
(a) He breaks windows.
(b) He breaks his curfew.
(c) He pukes on the new rug.
(d) He gets caught stealing.

14. What does Jim think a requirement seems to be for attending Communist Party meetings?
(a) Being smart.
(b) Being young.
(c) Being against the war.
(d) Being ugly.

15. What does Jim do after History classes on his first day of school?
(a) He watches the football team work out.
(b) He writes in his diary.
(c) He leaves school.
(d) He smokes in the locker room.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Jim, when the story begins?

2. How does Chris explain Willie's injury to the police officer who stops them?

3. What is Jim's motivation for getting along with his cousin's friends in Manhattan?

4. Who does Jim talk to about what he learns at the Communist Party meeting?

5. What do Jim and friends call the huge rock they jump off of in the Bronx?

(see the answer keys)

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