Baseball in April and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Baseball in April and Other Stories Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Luis interested in?
(a) Making money in a short amount of time.
(b) Retirement funds.
(c) Traveling.
(d) Going to see his grandchildren.

2. What physical activity does the main character take up as a result of his disappointment in "Broken Chain"?
(a) Jogging.
(b) Tennis.
(c) Push ups.
(d) Sit ups.

3. How does Fausto feel after taking the money?
(a) Excited.
(b) Ready to buy his guitar.
(c) Guilty.
(d) Happy.

4. What does Fausto do to his story when he retells how he found Fausto?
(a) He never retells it.
(b) Exaggerates it.
(c) Embellishes it.
(d) Leaves part of it out.

5. What does Luis do for a living?
(a) He is retired.
(b) He is a watchman.
(c) He is a banker.
(d) He is a fireman.

6. What becomes apparent about the volunteer league?
(a) There are only 2 teams.
(b) They are great at preparing players for Little League.
(c) They aren't very good.
(d) There are only 3 teams.

7. Who wins the first game in "Baseball in April"?
(a) The Hob's Parkson.
(b) The Hobo Park team.
(c) The Red Caps.
(d) The Reds.

8. Who is Jesse in "Baseball in April"?
(a) No one is named Jess in "Baseball in April."
(b) The main character.
(c) The main character's younger sister.
(d) Michele's sister.

9. What grade is Ernie in?
(a) Tenth.
(b) Eighth.
(c) Seventh.
(d) Ninth.

10. Who is the protagonist in "Broken Chain"?
(a) Alfonso.
(b) Sandra.
(c) Sam.
(d) Ernie.

11. What does Veronica want?
(a) A Barbie.
(b) A Barbie car.
(c) A new Barbie.
(d) Barbie clothes.

12. Where does Veronica go the day after she gets her new doll?
(a) Martha's.
(b) Marta's.
(c) Matty's.
(d) Marty's.

13. How does Jesse's brother perform?
(a) Mediocre.
(b) Poorly.
(c) Fantastic.
(d) Well.

14. What grade is the main character of "Broken Chain" in?
(a) Ninth.
(b) Tenth.
(c) Eighth.
(d) Seventh.

15. What does the main character ask his new friend, in "Broken Chain"?
(a) To go on a walk.
(b) To go on a bike ride.
(c) To go to the movies.
(d) To go get ice cream.

Short Answer Questions

1. What part of town does Fausto realize Roger is from?

2. Who puts an unofficial baseball league together in "Baseball in April"?

3. What does Rudy announce after giving Veronica her gift?

4. Where do Hector and Luis go at the end of "Two Dreamers"?

5. What does Veronica do when she realizes what has happened on her walk home?

(see the answer keys)

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