Barrio Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barrio Boy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of job does Josy hold in Tepic?
(a) He works in construction.
(b) He is a day laborer.
(c) He is a cart driver.
(d) He is a delivery boy.

2. How does Ernie react when he sees the American soldiers helping people off the train?
(a) He is angry at the soldiers.
(b) He thinks it is exciting.
(c) He is overjoyed.
(d) He is frightened.

3. What does Ernie's mother have him take to Juan-Chon while on the train?
(a) A note.
(b) Something to drink.
(c) A piece of candy.
(d) Two tacos.

4. What astronomical sight does Ernie mention seeing during his last year in Jalco?
(a) Halley's Comet.
(b) A falling star.
(c) A lunar eclipse.
(d) Sighting of Venus.

5. How old is the landlady's helper in Tepic?
(a) 2 or 3 years older than Ernie.
(b) 1 year younger than Ernie.
(c) 25 years old.
(d) 14 years old.

6. Who gets access to organized education in Tepic?
(a) Only boys.
(b) Only the children of the rich.
(c) Everyone.
(d) Only those going into the church.

7. While staying in Acaponeta, where do Ernie and his mother spend Sunday afternoons?
(a) The orchard.
(b) Church.
(c) The market.
(d) The river.

8. What does Ernie play with the light bulbs in his Tucson hotel room?
(a) Lightening.
(b) On off.
(c) Bright light.
(d) Flash.

9. What is the most significant difference in daily chores that Ernie notes in Part Two, Section 1?
(a) That there are no chickens to care for.
(b) That Ernie must do "girl" chores now.
(c) How you cannot throw trash into the street in Tepic.
(d) How laundry and bathing are done in tubs.

10. How many rooms does Ernie's new home in Jalco have?
(a) Three.
(b) One.
(c) Five.
(d) Two.

11. In Part Four, about how many tenants are there in Ernie's apartment building?
(a) 75.
(b) 20.
(c) 40.
(d) 100.

12. Who shoots at Josy as he leaves his job building stone markers?
(a) A pro-Porfirio soldier.
(b) The foreman of Josy's employer.
(c) A pro-Madero soldier.
(d) A bola.

13. What are the gray towers Ernie sees as he approaches Tepic?
(a) Skyscrapers.
(b) A large government building.
(c) The cathedral.
(d) The old palace.

14. How do Catarino and Gustavo think Nerun got sick?
(a) By being bitten by a rabid animal.
(b) By eating a sick animal.
(c) Heart worms.
(d) Cancer.

15. How does the Old Gentleman signal to Ernie that he should come over and help with his tie?
(a) By stomping on the floor.
(b) By knocking on the wall.
(c) By calling for him.
(d) By sending him notes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Henriqueta give Ernie an emulsion called Wampole?

2. What is the name of the most dangerous part of the family's journey to Tepic?

3. According to Henriqueta where else did Christopher Columbus discover besides the U.S.?

4. How do many of the neighborhood residents view doctors in Mazatlan?

5. What is the largest employer in the area when Ernie is living in Mazatlan?

(see the answer keys)

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