Barracoon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barracoon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What present did the chief at the first town give to the King of Dahomey in order to stave off a raid?
(a) Wheat and pheasants.
(b) Bananas and mangoes.
(c) Yams and corn.
(d) Pigs and corn.

2. What position had the killer of Cudjo's son Cudjo taken by the time of Cudjo's discussion of him in Barracoon?
(a) Pastor.
(b) Deputy.
(c) Magistrate.
(d) Governor.

3. On what date does Cudjo say he was freed from slavery?
(a) April 12, 1865.
(b) November 16, 1879.
(c) February 19, 1863.
(d) January 30, 1867.

4. What is the title of Chapter VII?
(a) Home.
(b) Noplace.
(c) Barracoon.
(d) Slavery.

5. Cudjo reports with horror that the Dahomey soldiers had removed what part of people's bodies before they were dead?
(a) Their jawbones.
(b) Their fingers.
(c) Their ears.
(d) Their eyeballs.

Short Answer Questions

1. Free George tells Cudjo and his friends that they ought to take what action?

2. For how many days was Cudjo forced to stay in the place where his people's body parts were being displayed as signs of the King of Dahomey's victory?

3. Cudjo's late wife had the American name of Seely, but what does he report as the African name she had been given at birth?

4. How much money did the judge award Cudjo for the railroad's failure to blow a whistle or to ring a bell upon the train's approach?

5. Cudjo says that he had given each of his children what type of name because he and Seely "not furgit [their] home" (72)?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do the three men from Dahomey say when they meet with Cudjo's king, King Akia'on?

2. What kind of work do Cudjo and his countrymen and women perform once they are free?

3. To what position do the people of Africa Town appoint Cudjo when they see he is unable to work?

4. What is the significance of Chapter VII's title Barracoon?

5. After deciding to stay in America, Cudjo and his countrymen and women adopt what type of organizational structure within their community?

6. What does Cudjo say about the way in which he and other Africans had been treated by black people born in America?

7. In Chapter VIII entitled Freedom, Cudjo tells of getting together with his countrymen after they had been freed. What was the general consensus within this meeting?

8. In what way do dreams arise within Cudjo's comments to Hurston?

9. The day when Hurston takes Cudjo into Mobile to buy crab in Chapter IX, what topic does Cudjo tell Hurston about on the way there?

10. What instruction does Seely keep repeating to her son Cudjo when he is struggling to survive his wounds?

(see the answer keys)

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