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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How long had Cudjo and Seely been married before they had a child together?
(a) 1 month.
(b) 10 months.
(c) 2 years.
(d) 8 months.
2. On what date does Cudjo say he was freed from slavery?
(a) February 19, 1863.
(b) January 30, 1867.
(c) November 16, 1879.
(d) April 12, 1865.
3. Toward what object had Cudjo run just after his king had been killed before his very eyes?
(a) The swamp.
(b) The mountain.
(c) The bush.
(d) The savanna.
4. Cudjo's late wife had the American name of Seely, but what does he report as the African name she had been given at birth?
(a) Abila.
(b) A-oo-lat-i.
(c) Argola.
(d) Madigo.
5. How many names does Cudjo say it is customary for native Africans to give their children who are born on "de Americky soil" (72)?
(a) 2.
(b) 5.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.
Short Answer Questions
1. Which group does Cudjo name as the one that "make de war so dey free us" (60)?
2. The Dahomey soldiers tell Cudjo that they cannot listen to his cries since they have only been sent to perform what task for the King of Dahomey?
3. What type of creature does Cudjo use to explain his boys' tendency to get into fights?
4. What is NOT an insult Cudjo names as being one thrown at his children by black people born in America?
5. Cudjo reports with horror that the Dahomey soldiers had removed what part of people's bodies before they were dead?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is the result when Cudjo asks Captain Tim Meaher to give the citizens of Africa Town part of his land to live on?
2. After deciding to stay in America, Cudjo and his countrymen and women adopt what type of organizational structure within their community?
3. What significant event occurred on March 12, 1902?
4. What kind of work do Cudjo and his countrymen and women perform once they are free?
5. To what position do the people of Africa Town appoint Cudjo when they see he is unable to work?
6. What action does Cudjo take against the railroad company and what is the result of that action?
7. What is the significance of Chapter VII's title Barracoon?
8. When Hurston comes to interview Cudjo on a Saturday at the start of Chapter VI entitled Barracoon, what activities do the two end up doing instead?
9. What is different about the start of Chapter VII entitled Slavery, in relation to its introduction?
10. What do the three men from Dahomey say when they meet with Cudjo's king, King Akia'on?
This section contains 1,212 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |