Barracoon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Barracoon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many fully biologically-related older siblings had Cudjo had?
(a) 3.
(b) 2.
(c) 1.
(d) 4.

2. At what time does Hurston arrive at Cudjo's house at the start of Chapter II?
(a) 7 o'clock in the evening.
(b) 8 o'clock in the morning.
(c) Midnight.
(d) Noon.

3. What reason does Cudjo give Hurston at the end of Chapter II when he wants Hurston to leave?
(a) He says he wants to be alone with his great-granddaughters.
(b) He says he is sad.
(c) He says he is tired.
(d) He says he cannot remember anything else.

4. What kind of beverage was drunk by the mourners of Cudjo's grandfather?
(a) Lemonade.
(b) Darjeeling tea.
(c) Rum.
(d) Palm wine.

5. Whom does Cudjo name as having decided murder cases within his former community in Africa?
(a) The village chief.
(b) The murder victim's family members.
(c) The king.
(d) The magistrate.

6. There is a large tree in Cudjo's yard that bears what type of fruit?
(a) Mangoes.
(b) Peaches.
(c) Bananas.
(d) Pears.

7. What does Cudjo say had been the name of the god he had worshiped in Africa?
(a) Olaudah.
(b) Igbo.
(c) Alahua.
(d) Chucha.

8. What is NOT listed by Cudjo among the tasks a man's wives would perform in order to help him get to sleep in Cudjo's former community in Africa?
(a) Rubbing his head.
(b) Fanning him to create a breeze.
(c) Cleaning his hands and toenails.
(d) Singing a low lullaby.

9. About whom is Cudjo trying to tell Hurston when she breaks in, telling Cudjo that she wants to hear more about his own life?
(a) Cudjo's sister.
(b) Cudjo's grandfather.
(c) Cudjo's father.
(d) Cudjo's son.

10. How many wives does Cudjo say his father had acquired?
(a) 2.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 8.

11. Whom does Cudjo name as the agent responsible for finding a man wives to add to his family?
(a) The man's mother.
(b) A matchmaker.
(c) The man's first wife.
(d) The man himself.

12. Cudjo says that when a new wife comes to a house, she at first lives with whom until she gets her own house?
(a) The next-to-latest wife to be wed.
(b) The man.
(c) The original wife.
(d) The pastor.

13. The owner of the Clotilde deceptively reported that the ship had been on a mission to retrieve what product?
(a) Slaves.
(b) Sugar cane.
(c) Opium.
(d) Red palm oil.

14. The day that Cudjo says he is going to water his potato vines when Hurston is leaving his home, when does he tell Hurston to return?
(a) In 2 days.
(b) In 1 hour.
(c) In 1 month.
(d) In 1 week.

15. The four men responsible for the deal that resulted in Cudjo's status as a slave included how many of the Meaher brothers?
(a) 3.
(b) 2.
(c) 4.
(d) 1.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who owned and sailed in command of the Clotilde ship at the time Cudjo was aboard it?

2. Chapter II's title refers to the arrival of what person in Cudjo's life?

3. Cudjo says that the daughter of a very rich man back in his community in Africa would install each of his daughters in a fat-house for what period of time?

4. On what day of the sea voyage were the slaves finally brought up onto the deck so that they could "regain the use of their limbs" (11)?

5. Upon leaving Cudjo at the end of Chapter I, Hurston describes him as having his "bare feet exposed" (23) to a cloud composed of what types of insects?

(see the answer keys)

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