Barracoon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barracoon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What objects are required to be brought to the king once a leopard has been killed, according to Cudjo?
(a) The whiskers.
(b) The eyes.
(c) The tail and heart.
(d) The ears.

2. What crop does Cudjo say he plants only for the benefit of his twin great-granddaughters?
(a) Apples.
(b) Pineapple.
(c) Sweet potatoes.
(d) Sugar cane.

3. By whom is the Introduction to Barracoon written?
(a) Zora Neale Hurston.
(b) Alice Walker.
(c) Deborah G. Plant.
(d) Cudjo.

4. The day that Cudjo says he is going to water his potato vines when Hurston is leaving his home, when does he tell Hurston to return?
(a) In 1 hour.
(b) In 1 week.
(c) In 2 days.
(d) In 1 month.

5. There is a large tree in Cudjo's yard that bears what type of fruit?
(a) Pears.
(b) Mangoes.
(c) Peaches.
(d) Bananas.

6. The first time Hurston visits Cudjo within Chapter II, what do they end up doing instead of Cudjo telling Hurston about himself?
(a) Cudjo gives Hurston a tour of his gardens.
(b) Cudjo makes a pot of stew and they eat.
(c) Hurston asks Cudjo to tell her instead about his children.
(d) Cudjo asks Hurston to help him repair a rip in his blanket.

7. Cudjo says that when a new wife comes to a house, she at first lives with whom until she gets her own house?
(a) The pastor.
(b) The original wife.
(c) The next-to-latest wife to be wed.
(d) The man.

8. Whom does Cudjo name as having decided adultery cases within his former community in Africa?
(a) The spouse of the accused.
(b) The king.
(c) The village chief.
(d) The magistrate.

9. What kind of beverage was drunk by the mourners of Cudjo's grandfather?
(a) Palm wine.
(b) Rum.
(c) Lemonade.
(d) Darjeeling tea.

10. For one year after a woman's husband dies, she is forbidden to take what action?
(a) Comb her hair.
(b) Change her clothes.
(c) Marry.
(d) Wash her face.

11. At the time of the interviews, Cudjo was living in what town in Alabama?
(a) Plateau.
(b) Reform.
(c) York.
(d) Mobile.

12. What does Cudjo say had been his mother's name?
(a) Ny-fond-lo-loo.
(b) O-lo-loo-ay.
(c) U-no-noo-pay.
(d) A-la-loo-to.

13. Cudjo tells Hurston that he had been the son of which wife of his father's?
(a) The second wife.
(b) The chief wife.
(c) The third wife.
(d) The sixth wife.

14. What does Cudjo name as his first inclination regarding the likely reason for the chief's decision to summon boys over the age of 14?
(a) He thought the boys would begin to be taxed.
(b) He thought the boys would have marriages arranged for them.
(c) He thought the boys would be sold as slaves.
(d) He thought the boys would be put into the army.

15. Who owned and sailed in command of the Clotilde ship at the time Cudjo was aboard it?
(a) Jim Meaher.
(b) Burns Meaher.
(c) Captain Foster.
(d) Tim Meaher.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of fruit does Hurston bring to Cudjo at the start of Chapter II?

2. How many fully biologically-related older siblings had Cudjo had?

3. The four men responsible for the deal that resulted in Cudjo's status as a slave included how many of the Meaher brothers?

4. What does Cudjo say had been the name of the god he had worshiped in Africa?

5. Cudjo describes himself as being how old when his grandfather had died?

(see the answer keys)

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