Barracoon Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barracoon Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters VIII-X.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Cudjo's late wife had the American name of Seely, but what does he report as the African name she had been given at birth?
(a) Abila.
(b) A-oo-lat-i.
(c) Madigo.
(d) Argola.

2. On what date did Cudjo's train accident occur?
(a) November 16, 1896.
(b) March 12, 1902.
(c) February 19, 1879.
(d) April 4, 1879.

3. What sound at the marketplace does Cudjo report liking?
(a) The sound of a train in the distance.
(b) The sound of a horse's whinny.
(c) The sound of cooing doves.
(d) The sound of women's bracelets jangling.

4. Where had Cudjo slept during his time as a slave belonging to the Meahers?
(a) In a tent.
(b) In a cabin.
(c) Under the house.
(d) In the shed.

5. What is the penalty for killing a leopard and failing to bring the king its required body parts, according to Cudjo?
(a) 5 years in prison.
(b) A hefty fine.
(c) The loss of a wife.
(d) Death.

Short Answer Questions

1. What object does Cudjo report creating after he had been freed?

2. What sign does Hurston name as indicating that Cudjo is somewhere close by his house?

3. Cudjo states that he had been nearly what age when the chief had sent for all boys over the age of 14?

4. Whom does Cudjo describe as "de best friend de Afficans got" (67)?

5. How long in total had the voyage to buy slaves taken the men on the Clotilde?

(see the answer key)

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