Barchester Towers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barchester Towers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Eleanor feel about her father's offer of the deanery?
(a) She wants him to take it.
(b) She agrees that he is too old.
(c) She can't decide how she feels.
(d) She thinks it's really a trick.

2. How does the Bishop treat Mr. Slope at the Thorne's party?
(a) The Bishop hits Mr. Slope.
(b) The Bishop slights Mr. Slope.
(c) The Bishop mocks Mr. Slope.
(d) The Bishop is kind to Mr. Slope.

3. What does the deanery pay?
(a) 200 a year.
(b) 1200 a year.
(c) 100 a year.
(d) 2000 a year.

4. What game does Mrs. Thorne want to play at the party?
(a) Poker.
(b) Tic Tac Toe.
(c) Euchre.
(d) Quintain.

5. During the Thorne's party, what happens to the son of one of their tenants?
(a) He is thrown from a horse.
(b) He gets into a fight.
(c) He gets kicked out.
(d) He has too much to drink.

6. Who goes against the Thorne's wishes at their party?
(a) The Stanhopes.
(b) Mr. Slope.
(c) The Proudies.
(d) The Lookalofts.

7. How is Mr. Arabin informed of his position as Dean of Barchester Cathedral?
(a) Dr. Harding told him.
(b) A note from the signora.
(c) The Prime Minister visited him.
(d) A note from the minister.

8. How does the Archdeacon describe Eleanor and Mr. Arabin?
(a) Confused cats wandering aimlessly.
(b) Sly young turtle doves.
(c) Sneaky foxes.
(d) Faithful old dogs.

9. What does Mr. Slope want to do before word gets out about the Bishop's appointment of wardenship?
(a) Visit London.
(b) Ask Eleanor to marry him.
(c) Stop the appointment.
(d) Write the signora.

10. What does the Archdeacon tell Mr. Arabin about his wedding?
(a) He says that a good wedding takes place in winter.
(b) He doesn't mention the wedding.
(c) He says it's a bad idea.
(d) He says he wants to perform the service.

11. Who tells the Archdeacon about Eleanor's marriage plans?
(a) Dr. Harding.
(b) Eleanor.
(c) The signora.
(d) Mr. Arabin.

12. What new job does the Bishop take on?
(a) The position of Archbishop.
(b) He retires.
(c) A post in the House of Lords.
(d) Curate in a church.

13. Who does Mr. Slope discuss the position of Dean of Barchester Cathedral with in Chapter 32?
(a) The current Dean of Barchester Cathedral.
(b) The Archdeacon.
(c) The Archbishop.
(d) The Bishop.

14. Why does Eleanor wake up early the morning after the engagement?
(a) Because she might run into Mr. Arabin.
(b) Because she was hungry.
(c) Because she wanted to find Miss Thorne.
(d) Because she could not sleep.

15. Who is offered the position of Dean of Barchester Cathedral?
(a) Mr. Slope.
(b) Dr. Stanhope.
(c) Dr. Harding.
(d) Mr. Arabin.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who describes Mr. Arabin as being "noble and good and high-minded"?

2. What does the author compare the end of a novel to?

3. How does Dr. Harding respond to the news of Eleanor's engagement?

4. Why does Mrs. Grantly have sympathy for her sister, Eleanor?

5. How many possible candidates for the deanery does the Prime Minister consider?

(see the answer keys)

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