Barchester Towers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barchester Towers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Dr. Stanhope done while collecting his salary from the church?
(a) Worked as an accountant.
(b) Run another church.
(c) Needlework.
(d) Lived in Italy.

2. How are the Archdeacon and Mr. Harding alike?
(a) They are both conservative.
(b) They are both preachers.
(c) They are both liberal.
(d) They are both only children.

3. In Chapter 3, who is described as controlling what Dr. Proudie does?
(a) Parliament.
(b) Mr. Slope.
(c) God.
(d) Mrs. Proudie.

4. In Chapter 29, who comes to see Eleanor to discuss her relationship with Mr. Slope?
(a) Mr. Quiverful.
(b) The Bishop.
(c) Charlotte.
(d) The Archdeacon.

5. What is the Archdeacon's home known as?
(a) Barchester.
(b) Plumesford.
(c) Haverfore.
(d) Plumstead.

6. In Chapter 6, who preaches at the church in Barchester as part of a challenge?
(a) Mr. Slope.
(b) Dr. Harding.
(c) The Archdeacon.
(d) Mr. Proudie.

7. Where does the Proudie family prefer to live?
(a) America.
(b) Barchester.
(c) Berkshire.
(d) London.

8. How are the Thornes tied to Mr. Arabin?
(a) They used to know him years ago.
(b) They are going to give him a place to stay.
(c) They are distant cousins.
(d) They own the property where his church is.

9. How does Mr. Arabin respond when he hears that Eleanor might marry Mr. Slope?
(a) He writes Eleanor.
(b) He visits Mr. Slope.
(c) He writes the Bishop.
(d) He visits Eleanor.

10. Who does Mr. Arabin meet at a party at the Stanhope's in Chapter 24?
(a) The Archdeacon.
(b) The signora.
(c) The Bishop.
(d) His cousin.

11. Who does Mr. Slope visit in Chapter 8?
(a) No one.
(b) The Proudies.
(c) The Archdeacon.
(d) Dr. Harding's daughters.

12. What is revealed about Mr. Slope and the wardenship of Hiram's Hospital in Chapter 14?
(a) That he secretly raised the salary of the warden.
(b) That he is working to eliminate the position of warden.
(c) That he wants the position of warden himself.
(d) That he convinced Dr. Harding to turn down the wardenship.

13. In Chapter 27, why can't Mr. Slope arrange a meeting with Dr. Harding?
(a) He is away at Plumstead.
(b) He never gets the invitation.
(c) He denies Mr. Slope's invitation.
(d) He has work in London.

14. Where is Mr. Slope a tutor?
(a) Cambridge.
(b) Oxford.
(c) Yale.
(d) Harvard.

15. In Chapter 4, how are Mr. Slope's religious beliefs described?
(a) Strict.
(b) Conflicted.
(c) New age.
(d) Open.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 16, what causes a rift in Mr. Slope's relationship with Mrs. Proudie?

2. When does "Barchester Towers" begin?

3. How old is Mr. Arabin?

4. How does Mr. Arabin feel when he stays with the Archdeacon?

5. How does Eleanor feel when she finds out that Mr. Arabin thinks she will marry Mr. Slope?

(see the answer keys)

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