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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 17 | Chapter 18.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who is Dr. Proudie most associated with?
(a) Other doctors.
(b) Church goers and townspeople.
(c) Merchants and traders.
(d) Royal families and Parliament.
2. What happens to the Archdeacon's meeting with the Bishop about the wardenship in Chapter 18?
(a) It was delayed.
(b) It was interrupted.
(c) It was one-sided.
(d) It was denied.
3. In Chapter 7, what do the townspeople of Barchester think about Mr. Slope?
(a) They think Mr. Slope is old-fashioned.
(b) They think Mr. Slope is a reformer.
(c) They haven't met Mr. Slope yet.
(d) They think Mr. Slope is a fool.
4. What do the Proudies do when they return from London in Chapter 10?
(a) Confront the church officials.
(b) Invite the Stanhopes over.
(c) Throw a party.
(d) Move to a new house.
5. Where is Mr. Slope a tutor?
(a) Yale.
(b) Harvard.
(c) Oxford.
(d) Cambridge.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the Archdeacon's home known as?
2. What does the Archdeacon say will happen if Mr. Slope marries Eleanor?
3. Why does Madeleine, "the signora", arrive late in Chapter 10?
4. Who gets the job of preaching at St. Ewolds?
5. In Chapter 4, how are Mr. Slope's religious beliefs described?
This section contains 236 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |