Barchester Towers Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barchester Towers Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 33 | Chapter 34.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Archdeacon say will happen if Mr. Slope marries Eleanor?
(a) Mr. Slope will have to get a new job.
(b) They will have to move far away.
(c) Mr. Slope will have to find the hidden money.
(d) Mr. Slope will never be welcome in the family.

2. Why does Mrs. Proudie feel that Mr. Slope cannot be Dean of Barchester Cathedral?
(a) Because his sermons are terrible.
(b) Because he does not have enough influence.
(c) Because the Archdeacon is against him.
(d) Because he does not have enough money.

3. What does the signora say that Mr. Slope must do to prove his love?
(a) Give up his ambitions.
(b) Challenge the Bishop for his title.
(c) Tell Eleanor about her.
(d) Give the wardenship to Mr. Quiverful.

4. What makes the Archdeacon feel that Eleanor has disgraced herself?
(a) Because she is friends with the signora.
(b) Because she receives letters from Mr. Slope.
(c) Because she gambled away her money.
(d) Because she has been dating two men.

5. How does Eleanor Harding feel about Mr. Slope's proposed Sunday school?
(a) She disapproves of it.
(b) She has no opinion.
(c) She approves of it.
(d) She wants to teach it.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Eleanor talks to Bertie about Mr. Slope, what do they agree on?

2. Who does Mr. Slope visit in Chapter 8?

3. Who gets the job of preaching at St. Ewolds?

4. What does Mr. Arabin tell the Archdeacon about Eleanor in Chapter 34?

5. How does Mr. Arabin feel about reform in the church?

(see the answer key)

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