The Barber of Seville Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Barber of Seville Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Count do when Bartholo demands again to see the letter?
(a) The Count says he cannot show him the letter.
(b) The Count tears up the letter.
(c) The Count gives him the letter.
(d) The Count gives him a second letter.

2. What does Bazile tell Bartholo to start?
(a) A nasty, slanderous rumor about the Count.
(b) Calling the police.
(c) Beating up the Count.
(d) Notifying the national authorities.

3. What does the Count do while telling Bartholo to do his duty to the military and put him up for the night?
(a) He stumbles around.
(b) He sings.
(c) He shows Rosine the letter.
(d) He looks for Figaro.

4. Why is Count Almaviva disguised as a priest in a cloak and turned down hat?
(a) He has always wanted to be a priest.
(b) He is a runaway fugitive and does not want anyone to discover him.
(c) He is afraid he will be recognized by either the woman's over-protective guardian or one of his friends from the royal court.
(d) He used to work for Bartholo and does not want to be recognized.

5. The Count grabs his gun and does what?
(a) Runs out the door.
(b) Shoots Bartholo.
(c) Kills himself.
(d) Sets up a mock battle between himself and Bartholo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rosine say as she stands at her window?

2. What job does Figaro have, as we wanders through Spain?

3. What does she tell Figaro to tell "Lindor?"

4. Why does Figaro leave Madrid and cheerfully wander through Spain?

5. How does Figaro surprise Rosine?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the Count say when he realizes they are trapped? Predict what will happen in the next scene.

2. Where is Bartholo headed? What might be the significance of Bazile?

3. Bartholo realizes "Alonzo" is not who he says he is, and "Alonzo" pretends to get upset, what does Rosine do? Do you believe this will happen?

4. What does Rosine do when she believes that "Lindor" was deceiving her, expressing love on someone else's behalf? How does this heighten the suspense?

5. Although Rosine is under the legal marrying age, why does the Count say the marriage is legitimate? What does this say about the wealthy at the time the play was written and about the playwright's opinion of the wealthy?

6. What does Rosine tell Figaro to tell "Lindor?" How will this news affect "Lindor?"

7. What connection do Rosine and the Count make with the audience after she finishes singing? How do they feel? Why do they feel this way?

8. Why do the servants say that they did not stop Figaro from coming in? How will Bartholo treat Figaro from now on? Why?

9. What does Rosine do with the paper? How might this small prop draw the audience into the story?

10. Why does Rosine change her mind and decide to take a music lesson? Does Rosine know of the Count's plan? How does she react when she sees him?

(see the answer keys)

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