The Barber of Seville Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Barber of Seville Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does Rosine's letter refer?
(a) Bartholo's devotion.
(b) The Count's obsessive behavior.
(c) Bartholo's obsessive behavior.
(d) The Count's devotion.

2. Why are Bartholo's servants not very helpful?
(a) They are stupid.
(b) They do not like him.
(c) They have been drugged by Figaro.
(d) They were given the day off.

3. What does Figaro suggest is impossible?
(a) To be both nervous and excited.
(b) To be both in love and calm.
(c) To be both angry and agitated.
(d) To be both happy and sad.

4. As Figaro finishes singing his new composition, what does he realize about the "priest?"
(a) He looks familiar.
(b) He looks unhappy.
(c) He looks worried.
(d) He looks odd.

5. From what is Bartholo exempt?
(a) Supporting the military.
(b) Joining the military.
(c) Feeding the military.
(d) Speaking kindly to the military men.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what does Figaro comment?

2. The Count grabs his gun and does what?

3. Who does Figaro say he was talking to on the street?

4. What does the Count comically struggle to do?

5. What does Bartholo challenge the Count to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Figaro say at the end of the play? What does this say about the playwright's opinion of youth, age, and love?

2. What does Rosine do after the Count has sung and played the guitar for awhile? Why does she do this?

3. What connection do Rosine and the Count make with the audience after she finishes singing? How do they feel? Why do they feel this way?

4. What does Figaro learn, while in a cupboard? What does Bazile suggest to Bartholo? What would be the outcome of this?

5. Why does the Count grab his gun and set up a mock battle between himself and Bartholo? Is he successful in the maneuver? Why or why not? Is this exchange drawing in the audience? Why or why not?

6. What does Rosine do with the paper? How might this small prop draw the audience into the story?

7. What does the Count say when he realizes they are trapped? Predict what will happen in the next scene.

8. What do the various characters do to keep Bazile from telling Bartholo this is all a ruse? How is Bazile's support finally won? How does this satisfy the audience of a commedia?

9. What is Figaro's plan? Why will the Count's disguise get him into the house?

10. Of what does Bartholo accuse Figaro? How does he know about the relationship between Rosine and the Count? Will she be able to escape from the prison this man has put her in?

(see the answer keys)

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