The Barber of Seville Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Barber of Seville Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the notary do when Bartholo asks to see the contract?
(a) He begins to cry.
(b) He tells Bartholo the wedding was illegal.
(c) He tells him everything is legal.
(d) He runs away.

2. How does the notary explain the apparent mix-up?
(a) "There are many girls in town named Rosine."
(b) "I must have written the wrong name down."
(c) "The brides are sisters and bear the same name."
(d) "She must have finally decided which man she wanted to marry."

3. What does Bartholo tell Rosine the Count had told him?
(a) The Count wrote her a love letter but Bartholo had destroyed it in a fit of rage.
(b) The Count loves her desperately and will be there around midnight.
(c) The Count never loved her and is not coming.
(d) The Count showed the letter to another woman, and then told Bartholo the whole story in the hopes of getting Rosine away from the Count.

4. What does the Count reveal in an aside?
(a) He is not sure if he trusts Bartholo.
(b) He is not sure if Rosine really loves him.
(c) He cannot decide whether it would be a better idea to keep the letter to himself, or follow through on the original plan and hand it over.
(d) He cannot decide if he should keep his disguise on or take it off.

5. Rosine comes in, refusing to take any more music lessons from anybody. Why does she quickly change her mind?
(a) When she sees "Alonzo" and instantly realizes who he is.
(b) "Alonzo" is handsome.
(c) She assumes Bazile has quit.
(d) She thinks that Bazile is coming.

6. When does Figaro say is the moment to reveal who the Count truly is?
(a) As soon as she walks through the door.
(b) Never.
(c) If she protests that her love is still true.
(d) If she says she does not love him.

7. What does Bartholo say that confuses Bazile?
(a) He loves him.
(b) He despises him.
(c) He no longer wants him to teach Rosine.
(d) He hopes Bazile is feeling better.

8. How does Bartholo know there is a plot afoot?
(a) The Count is peering in the window.
(b) The notary seems nervous.
(c) Rosine is acting strange.
(d) Figaro does not have a niece.

9. In another aside, about what does the Count worry?
(a) He does not have any music to give to Rosine.
(b) He will not be able to pass as a voice teacher.
(c) If Rosine refuses to come out for the lesson.
(d) If Rosine will recognize him.

10. Why is there a lot of whispering back and forth between the characters?
(a) They are trying to figure out how to escape.
(b) All trying for different reasons to convince Bazile to go along with the "Alonzo" story.
(c) They all are trying to decide how to get rid of Bartholo.
(d) They do not know what to do with Bazile.

11. What happens every time the Count kisses Rosine's hand?
(a) Rosine stops singing and Bartholo wakes up.
(b) Rosine giggles.
(c) He makes a funny noise.
(d) Rosine sings louder.

12. How do Bartholo and Bazile, carrying a lantern, appear?
(a) In a cave.
(b) On a bright, sunny day.
(c) In the middle of a dark night.
(d) In the middle of a storm raging in the dark,

13. Once Bazile leaves, what does Figaro prepare to do?
(a) Save Rosine.
(b) Break more china.
(c) Retreat.
(d) Shave Bartholo.

14. Bartholo calls Figaro a knave. What is Figaro's response?
(a) No, my middle name is Dave, not knave.
(b) What is a knave.
(c) He is not a knave; he is a writer.
(d) Yes, he is a knave.

15. What is "Alonzo's" second piece of news he passes on from Bazile?
(a) The arrangements have all been made for the wedding tomorrow.
(b) The wedding has been cancelled.
(c) Bazile is not interested in arranging the wedding.
(d) The notary is not available for the wedding.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why will Bazile and the notary not be there earlier?

2. She is surprised. What does she still not know?

3. What is Bartholo trying to understand about Rosine?

4. What does Rosine show the Count?

5. What happens when Bartholo gets past Figaro?

(see the answer keys)

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