The Barber of Seville Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Barber of Seville Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Figaro carrying with him, when he arrives?
(a) A guitar hung over his shoulder and a pencil and paper in his hand.
(b) A hat and a cane.
(c) A paint palet and brushes.
(d) A violin.

2. What does Bartholo see the Count putting back in his pocket?
(a) His wallet.
(b) A song.
(c) The letter.
(d) His guitar pic.

3. Why can Figaro easily gain access to Bartholo's house?
(a) He is Bartholo's servant.
(b) He is Bartholo's cousin.
(c) He is Bartholo's barber.
(d) He is Bartholo's brother.

4. What does Rosine suggest might lead to careless behavior?
(a) Being excited.
(b) Being rude.
(c) Being thoughtless.
(d) Being unkind.

5. What does Rosine hand to Figaro?
(a) The note she has just written.
(b) A violin.
(c) A new song she has written.
(d) His guitar.

6. What has the Count recently found out about Rosine?
(a) Her name, that she is an orphan, and is unmarried.
(b) Her name, that she is a widow, and is in mourning.
(c) Her name, that she is an orphan, and married to Bartholo.
(d) Her name, that she is a widow, and is married to Bartholo.

7. What does Figaro say is the man's only defect?
(a) He is too kind.
(b) He is crippled.
(c) He has a limp.
(d) He is in love.

8. What does the Count do, regarding Rosine's song?
(a) He sings it to her.
(b) He darts out from his hiding place and grabs it.
(c) He tears it up.
(d) He listens to her sing it.

9. What does Bazile tell Bartholo to start?
(a) Beating up the Count.
(b) Calling the police.
(c) A nasty, slanderous rumor about the Count.
(d) Notifying the national authorities.

10. How is Bartholo going to keep "accidents" from happening?
(a) Bartholo is going to pad the walls.
(b) Bartholo is going to have the Count and Figaro imprisoned.
(c) Bartholo is going to put Rosine in another room.
(d) Bartholo is going to board up her window.

11. How does Figaro learn that Bazile tells Bartholo that the Count is in town, has taken rooms at a fancy hotel and is going out every evening in disguise?
(a) He is hanging outside the window.
(b) He is peeping out of a nearby cupboard and overhearing.
(c) He is listening at the door.
(d) He is hiding under the bed.

12. How does Figaro tease Rosine?
(a) By tickling her.
(b) By not revealing the truth right away about in whom the man is interested.
(c) By calling her names.
(d) By telling her he has the perfect husband for her but not telling her who it is.

13. What does the count do as Figaro continues his story?
(a) Reads a book.
(b) Keeps an eye on Rosine's window.
(c) Takes a nap.
(d) Writes a poem for Rosine.

14. What does Rosine say as she stands at her window?
(a) She enjoys the night air.
(b) Romeo! Romeo! Where for art thou, Romeo?
(c) The stars are beautiful.
(d) She detests Bartholo.

15. What does Figaro tell the Count about Rosine's music teacher?
(a) He is in love with Rosine.
(b) He is Bartholo's brother.
(c) He is kind and gentle.
(d) He is self-absorbed and greedy.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Bartholo's servants respond when he asks them why they did not tell him that Figaro had been in to see Rosine?

2. Rosine wonders whether Bartholo thinks she would not be able to resist even the attractions of a servant like Figaro, which leads Bartholo to make what suggestion?

3. For what does the Count long?

4. About what is the Count's song?

5. What is the Count resolved to do?

(see the answer keys)

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