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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. On what does Figaro comment?
(a) Bartholo's desire for information regarding "The Futile Precaution," suggesting that Bartholo's attempts to keep Rosine for himself are themselves futile precautions.
(b) Bartholo's love for Rosine.
(c) Bartholo's severe behavior.
(d) Bartholo's command over Rosine.
2. How is Bartholo going to keep "accidents" from happening?
(a) Bartholo is going to board up her window.
(b) Bartholo is going to put Rosine in another room.
(c) Bartholo is going to pad the walls.
(d) Bartholo is going to have the Count and Figaro imprisoned.
3. What does Bartholo do after some more unhelpful questions and answers?
(a) He leaves the servants, shocked.
(b) He dismisses the servants and grumbles about how worthless Figaro is.
(c) He yells at his servants and fires them.
(d) He begins to cry.
4. What does Rosine do when she hears Bartholo coming?
(a) She is nervous.
(b) She faints.
(c) She becomes excited.
(d) She panics.
5. How does Count Almaviva feel about his situation?
(a) Confident.
(b) Angry.
(c) Nervous.
(d) Confused.
6. Why does Bartholo send Rosine out?
(a) He does not want her to fall in love with the soldier.
(b) It is dangerous for a woman to be alone with a drunken man.
(c) He is tired of seeing her.
(d) He no longer enjoys her company.
7. What does Rosine do after awhile of listening to the Count?
(a) She closes her window.
(b) She calls for Bartholo.
(c) She sings along with him.
(d) She tells him to be quiet.
8. What does the Count instantly resolve to do?
(a) Beg her to divorce her husband.
(b) Get her psychological help.
(c) Leave and go home.
(d) Court her and marry her.
9. How does Figaro surprise Rosine?
(a) He climbs in her window.
(b) He calls her name.
(c) He suddenly comes in.
(d) He sings to her.
10. What does the Count do when Bartholo demands again to see the letter?
(a) The Count gives him a second letter.
(b) The Count says he cannot show him the letter.
(c) The Count gives him the letter.
(d) The Count tears up the letter.
11. What does she tell Figaro to tell "Lindor?"
(a) She wants to marry him.
(b) She never wants to see him again.
(c) All she wants is his love.
(d) All she wants is friendship.
12. How do Bartholo's servants respond when he asks them why they did not tell him that Figaro had been in to see Rosine?
(a) They do not trust Bartholo.
(b) Figaro had told them to keep it a secret.
(c) They did not think he meant that Figaro was not allowed in.
(d) They had forgotten Figaro had been there.
13. What does Bartholo suggest is the best way to deal with the Count?
(a) Spread nasty rumors about him.
(b) Wait for him and beat him up.
(c) Have him exiled.
(d) Have him arrested.
14. What does Rosine hand to Figaro?
(a) His guitar.
(b) A new song she has written.
(c) A violin.
(d) The note she has just written.
15. What does Bartholo see the Count putting back in his pocket?
(a) The letter.
(b) His wallet.
(c) A song.
(d) His guitar pic.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Bartholo challenge the Count to do?
2. What does the Count say about Bartholo's skills as a doctor?
3. What does Figaro promise to do?
4. On what commedia type is Bazile based?
5. Bartholo assumes the song is a "new sort of silliness," and talks grumpily about what?
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