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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 1, Part 3.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How is a commedia and today's example similar?
(a) Both have tragic endings.
(b) Both have music.
(c) Both have dramatic events.
(d) Both have central characters that generally behave the same way no matter the specifics of the story in which they are involved.
2. On what commedia type is Bazile based?
(a) The stupid servant.
(b) The self-absorbed, money-grasping old man.
(c) The fighter.
(d) The lover.
3. What will Figaro do while the Count gets himself into his disguise as a soldier?
(a) He will go into the house and drug the servants.
(b) He will go to his shop and wait for the Count.
(c) He will guide the Count on how to behave.
(d) He will sit and watch.
4. Why does Figaro lend the Count his guitar, telling him to sing anything that comes into his mind?
(a) Anything is better than nothing.
(b) The Count has a beautiful voice, so any song will do.
(c) Whatever he plays and sings will distract Bartholo.
(d) Love will make it sound sweet no matter what.
5. What does Rosine do with the song?
(a) She tears it up.
(b) She throws it in the fire.
(c) She gives it to Bartholo.
(d) She drops it out the window.
Short Answer Questions
1. For what does the Count long?
2. What place does Figaro describe to the Count?
3. What does Figaro reassure the Count?
4. At a performance of this play when it was first written, what expectations would the audience have had?
5. What story has Bartholo spread around to keep potential lovers away?
This section contains 377 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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