Barabbas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Barabbas Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Barabbas stops praying, what does he do when Sahak prays?
(a) Hums to cover the sound of Sahak's prayers.
(b) Keeps on working.
(c) Stands guard over Sahak.
(d) Nothing.

2. What do the soldiers do once Sahak is dead?
(a) They slowly return to their duties.
(b) The kneel in prayer.
(c) They hurriedly leave the hill.
(d) They burn his body.

3. What information does Sahak reveal to the one-eyed slave?
(a) God will return and that all slaves will be freed.
(b) The world is about to end.
(c) He and Barabbas are going to attempt escape.
(d) Miracles are all around him.

4. How does Barabbas act towards his former friends after he buries the hare-lipped girl?
(a) Violent.
(b) Angry.
(c) Cheerful.
(d) Indifferent.

5. What does the band of thieves do when they realize that Barabbas is nowhere to be found?
(a) They grieve his loss for three days.
(b) They go back to their business.
(c) They travel to Jerusalem to seek out the fat woman.
(d) They travel north.

6. What weapon does Barabbas use to kill the man by the stoning pit?
(a) A thin rope.
(b) A knife.
(c) A stone.
(d) A push.

7. Who releases Barabbas and Sahak from the mines?
(a) The overseer.
(b) Their owner.
(c) The red-bearded man.
(d) The Emperor.

8. What happens to Barabbas and Sahak after they are released from the mines?
(a) They remain together for the rest of their lives.
(b) They part ways, but meet again at a Christian meeting.
(c) They work together in the fields.
(d) They walk to Jerusalem.

9. How is Barabbas connected to Sahak?
(a) By a long rope.
(b) They are not connected.
(c) By first century handcuffs.
(d) By shackles.

10. What does Sahak show the one-eyed slave?
(a) The inscription on the back of his medallion.
(b) An escape route.
(c) The scar on his leg.
(d) His copy of the Scriptures.

11. What does Barabbas think about as he carries the hare-lipped girl's body?
(a) Of murdering the Christians.
(b) Of a time when he told her he loved her.
(c) Of the fat woman.
(d) Of his own death.

12. What does Sahak talk to the overseer about when questioned about his prayer activities?
(a) His miracle.
(b) The harsh conditions in the mine.
(c) His wounded leg.
(d) God, Jesus, and the Christian faith.

13. Where does the blind man sleep?
(a) In the low vaulted room.
(b) Behind the fat woman's house.
(c) Behind the temple.
(d) At the Dung Gate near the hare-lipped girl.

14. Whom does Sahak credit for their release?
(a) Himself.
(b) The overseer.
(c) The governor.
(d) God.

15. What secret about Eliahu does no one know?
(a) Eliahu is Barabbas' father.
(b) Eliahu is a Pharisee.
(c) Eliahu betrayed Jesus.
(d) Eliahu is the hare-lipped girl's brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is in the hare-lipped girl's tomb?

2. Why are Barabbas and Sahak called to the Roman governor's palace?

3. Why does Sahak believe he had been the recipient of a miracle?

4. What do the other slaves in the mill wear?

5. What does the one-eyed slave wear?

(see the answer keys)

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