Banner in the Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

James Ramsey Ullman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Banner in the Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

James Ramsey Ullman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What warmed Rudi more than either tent or blanket?
(a) His uncle's presence.
(b) Rudi was actually on the mountain he'd dreamed of as a kid.
(c) The group trusted Rudi.
(d) The fact that he had gotten lead.

2. When did Rudi finally allow himself to collapse?
(a) When he had summoned Franz and Winter.
(b) When he had gotten Saxo to the bottom of the mountain.
(c) When he had gotten Saxo to the Fortress.
(d) When he had gotten Saxo to the tents.

3. Who stands up for Rudi and prevents Franz from taking him down the mountain?
(a) Saxo.
(b) Klaus Wesselhoft.
(c) Teo.
(d) Captain Winter.

4. What did Rudi compare Saxo to in his injury?
(a) A fallen giant.
(b) A wounded beast.
(c) A caged animal.
(d) A greenhorn.

5. Who was it that brought Rudi's belongings further?
(a) Franz.
(b) Rudi.
(c) Saxo.
(d) Winter.

6. How long did it take Rudi to reach the top of the bergschrund?
(a) Forty minutes.
(b) Two hours.
(c) A half hour.
(d) An hour.

7. Why does Rudi think he can make it through the eye of the needle?
(a) He had the faith of the group on his shoulders.
(b) He is smaller.
(c) He found the way past the Fortress.
(d) He had become a good climber.

8. How did Rudi's mountaineer instinct come into play?
(a) He swam through the snow.
(b) He anchored himself and refused to let the avalanche take him.
(c) He put his arm over his face giving himself breathing room.
(d) He maintained his hold on the rope that was lashed to the other two climbers.

9. What made Franz angry?
(a) The thought of Saxo.
(b) That Rudi had abandoned Winter and Franz.
(c) That Saxo had abandoned his Herr.
(d) The fact that Rudi had continued on without letting him know.

10. What part of Rudi's body got stuck?
(a) His arms.
(b) His shoulders.
(c) His hips.
(d) His head.

11. Why hadn't Rudi turned around when he knew he needed to?
(a) He didn't want to tell Winter why he hadn't gone down to Kurtal.
(b) He didn't want to explain to Klaus why he'd turned around.
(c) He wasn't looking forward to his uncles' wrath.
(d) The magic of the mountain drew him on.

12. Why didn't Rudi yodel when he had gotten to where he stood?
(a) It would have been blasphemy.
(b) He wouldn't have honored his fathers memory,
(c) He didn't want Franz to hear him.
(d) It wouldn't have satisfied him.

13. Why wouldn't Franz continue to the top of the mountain, despite Winter insisting he do so?
(a) Rudi had gotten hurt climbing through the Needle.
(b) A guide of Kurtal does not leave his Herr on the mountain.
(c) Rudi wasn't fit to travel.
(d) Winter insisted he stay.

14. What thought caused the specter to leave?
(a) That the only ghost would be that of his father.
(b) That he was Josef Matt's son.
(c) That it wanted to cause him no harm.
(d) That ghosts aren't real.

15. Why did Saxo say he was climbing the Citadel?
(a) For Winter.
(b) For the glory of himself and Broli.
(c) For all the climbers that had perished before him.
(d) For his wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. What resolve deepened in Rudi?

2. How long would Rudi give himself to go up?

3. What had awakened Rudi?

4. What wasn't on the menu of the climbers?

5. Why did Frau Matt consider herself in the wrong?

(see the answer keys)

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