Banner in the Sky Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Ramsey Ullman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Banner in the Sky Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Ramsey Ullman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Captain Winter going?
(a) To Georgia.
(b) To Greece.
(c) To Germany.
(d) To Geneva.

2. What had there never been in Kurtal?
(a) A man as foolhardy as Captain Winter.
(b) A burglary.
(c) A robbery.
(d) A crime.

3. Who is the "madman" that Franz is referring to?
(a) Teo.
(b) Rudi.
(c) Emil Saxo.
(d) Captain Winter.

4. Why couldn't Winter and the group climb the rocks?
(a) The rocks looked loose and like they might give way.
(b) There was no acceptable purchase for feet and hands.
(c) The snow looked more inviting.
(d) They were too steep.

5. Why didn't Rudi's mother cry and cling to him?
(a) It is what she had done with his father, and he had never come home.
(b) She wanted to treat him like a man, not as a boy.
(c) She didn't want to embarrass him.
(d) She wouldn't display that kind of emotion.

6. Why didn't Rudi's father leave the Citadel?
(a) He couldn't find his way.
(b) Sir Stephenson begged him not to go.
(c) He wouldn't leave his client.
(d) He was hurt.

7. What did Rudi know more of than any other guide in Kurtal?
(a) The approaches to the Citadel.
(b) Hotel dishwashing.
(c) How to mountain climb.
(d) How to climb without being seen.

8. What guide does Mr. Winter hope to hire from Broli?
(a) Franz Lerner.
(b) Emil Lerner.
(c) Rudi.
(d) Emil Saxo.

9. What gave Rudi such hope?
(a) The chance to atone for the Wunderhorn fiasco.
(b) Teo telling his uncle what happened.
(c) The return of Captain Winter.
(d) The chance to tell Franz what happened.

10. What happened to Rudi?
(a) He triggered an avalanche.
(b) He slipped and fell.
(c) He hurt himself.
(d) His eyes closed without them meaning to.

11. Why doesn't Franz think that Rudi can be a porter?
(a) He is careless.
(b) He's too small and irresponsible.
(c) He is accident prone.
(d) He is too small.

12. Until what time did Rudi wait in bed?
(a) Two.
(b) Midnight.
(c) Three.
(d) One.

13. What was the proprietor of the moving shadow?
(a) A tourist couple.
(b) A wolf.
(c) A foraging dog.
(d) A homeless person.

14. What is the name of the barmaid?
(a) Marina.
(b) Maria.
(c) Melissa.
(d) Marianne.

15. Why was Rudi struggling under his burdens?
(a) They were too heavy.
(b) He was weak.
(c) He was carrying the heaviest load.
(d) It had gotten warmer.

Short Answer Questions

1. What didn't Captain Winter buy for Rudi?

2. What did Teo tell the waitress?

3. Who would substitute for Rudi at the hotel?

4. Where did Rudi place the staff?

5. How did Rudi move?

(see the answer keys)

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