Banker to the Poor: The Autobiography of Muhammad Yunus Test | Final Test - Easy

Muhammad Yunus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Banker to the Poor: The Autobiography of Muhammad Yunus Test | Final Test - Easy

Muhammad Yunus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What international aid agency is Yunus particularly critical of?
(b) United Nations.
(c) World Bank.
(d) Habitat for Humanity.

2. Under the traditional orthodoxy of economics, all investment money is locked into what category?
(a) Government profit.
(b) Social reformation.
(c) Resource allocation.
(d) Personal profit.

3. Grameen develops ____ indicators to determine if members are poverty free.
(a) 12.
(b) 20.
(c) 10.
(d) 16.

4. How many children around the world die each day from hunger-related diseases?
(a) 35,000.
(b) 350,000.
(c) 3,500.
(d) 3 million.

5. Yunus has a new definition of an entrepreneur who is what?
(a) Socially conscious.
(b) Resource allocator.
(c) Driven by greed.
(d) Political reformer.

6. An independent investigator finds the average rate of return for CARD borrowers is what?
(a) 78 percent.
(b) 117 percent.
(c) 18 percent.
(d) 97 percent.

7. Who is the president of the Grameen Foundation USA?
(a) Muhammad Yunus.
(b) Connie Evans.
(c) Bill Clinton.
(d) Alex Counts.

8. Which of the following is NOT a problem encountered by the Grameen fisheries project?
(a) Complete failure of the project.
(b) Government oposition.
(c) Natural disasters.
(d) Leftist militant oposition.

9. Overall, Grameen is considered to be where on the political spectrum?
(a) Center.
(b) Left.
(c) Right.
(d) Not on the spectrum.

10. The program in Pine Bluff, Arkansas is changed from the Grameen Fund to the ___________.
(a) Free Money Fund.
(b) Good Faith Fund.
(c) Good Works Fund.
(d) Free Help Fund.

11. What do the words mean in title of the program, Ahon Sa Hirop, started by Dr. Generoso Octavio?
(a) A rise from the dirt.
(b) A rise from the Ashes.
(c) Away from poverty.
(d) Rise above poverty.

12. Where is Professor David Gibbons teaching when he meets Yunus at a conference near Dhaka?
(a) Canada.
(b) Bangladesh.
(c) Malaysia.
(d) Philippines.

13. At an annual workshop held by the Grameen Bank in 1982, what proposal is drawn up?
(a) Laws of Grameen.
(b) Ten Decisions.
(c) Survival Rules.
(d) Rules of Prosperity.

14. How many ponds does the fisheries project consist of by 1988?
(a) 808.
(b) 783.
(c) 1666.
(d) 667.

15. Who do Arkansas state officials first introduce Yunus to in the preliminary steps of finding Grameen borrowers?
(a) Homeless men.
(b) Small business owners.
(c) Welfare recipients.
(d) Single mothers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the first volunteer who raises her hand in Pine Bluff, Arkansas tell Yunus she wants a loan for?

2. In what year does Grameen receive a cellular phone license?

3. Like many Bengalis of his generation, Yunus is influenced by what kind of economics?

4. How much grant money does Grameen receive through the World Bank CGAP program?

5. In over two decades of existence, how many years does Grameen Bank not turn a profit?

(see the answer keys)

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