Banker to the Poor: The Autobiography of Muhammad Yunus Test | Final Test - Easy

Muhammad Yunus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Banker to the Poor: The Autobiography of Muhammad Yunus Test | Final Test - Easy

Muhammad Yunus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. An independent investigator finds the average rate of return for CARD borrowers is what?
(a) 117 percent.
(b) 18 percent.
(c) 78 percent.
(d) 97 percent.

2. Grameen Bank II requires all borrowers to contribute _______ into a pension fund each month.
(a) 500 takas.
(b) 50 takas.
(c) 15 takas.
(d) 5 takas.

3. There is a long tradition of what craft that was once in high demand in Bangladesh?
(a) Knife making.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Weaving.
(d) Painting.

4. Simply by being a shareholder in the Grameen Bank, members receive what?
(a) Loan insurance.
(b) Healthcare.
(c) Dividends.
(d) Pension funds.

5. Who is the president of the Grameen Foundation USA?
(a) Bill Clinton.
(b) Connie Evans.
(c) Alex Counts.
(d) Muhammad Yunus.

6. What organization in Chicago starts the Full Circle Fund?
(a) MIT.
(c) WSEP.

7. By March 2003, how many "telephone ladies" does GrameenPhone have selling phone services in villages?
(a) 25.
(b) 2,500.
(c) 25,000.
(d) 250.

8. Yunus argues that World Bank policies affect who the most?
(a) Farmers.
(b) Old poor.
(c) New poor.
(d) Investors.

9. In what year does Grameen loan its one billionth dollar?
(a) 1996.
(b) 2004.
(c) 1994.
(d) 2006.

10. How many children around the world die each day from hunger-related diseases?
(a) 3 million.
(b) 35,000.
(c) 350,000.
(d) 3,500.

11. Grameen believes that _________ is one of the primary components of moving individuals out of poverty.
(a) Skill training.
(b) Discipline.
(c) Government assistance.
(d) Education.

12. Yunus believes one of the biggest flaws of international aid agencies is being too what?
(a) Thrifty.
(b) Unrealistic.
(c) Altruistic.
(d) Overbearing.

13. What is the source of power for the cellular phones in the villages of Bangladesh?
(a) Wind turbines.
(b) Electricity.
(c) Solar energy.
(d) Generators.

14. UN studies conducted in more than forty developing countries found that the birth rate falls as _______________.
(a) Governments limit family size.
(b) Men gain wealth.
(c) Women gain equality.
(d) Women are kept submissive.

15. What is one of the hardest years ever for Grameen on many fronts?
(a) 2001.
(b) 1991.
(c) 1981.
(d) 1971.

Short Answer Questions

1. From where does Grameen receive helpful media coverage in March 1990?

2. In many Third World countries, the overwhelming majority of people make their living through what?

3. What year was Grameen Bank II launched?

4. At an annual workshop held by the Grameen Bank in 1982, what proposal is drawn up?

5. What year does Professor Gibbons launch the Grameen replicator program called Project Ikhtiar?

(see the answer keys)

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