Banker to the Poor: The Autobiography of Muhammad Yunus Multiple Choice Test Questions

Muhammad Yunus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Banker to the Poor: The Autobiography of Muhammad Yunus Multiple Choice Test Questions

Muhammad Yunus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Banker to the Poor: The Autobiography of Muhammad Yunus Lesson Plans

Chapter 1, Number 20 Boxirhat Road, Chittagong

1. Chittagong is what kind of city?
(a) Mountain outpost.
(b) Small industrial.
(c) Seaport.
(d) Rural farmland.

2. What is the population of Chittagong?
(a) 600,000.
(b) 1 million.
(c) 8 million.
(d) 3 million.

3. What kind of business does Yunus's father have?
(a) Farm.
(b) Mill.
(c) Bank.
(d) Jewelry.

4. Yunus's father is a devout __________.
(a) Baptist.
(b) Muslim.
(c) Hindu.
(d) Buddhist.

5. Yunus's mother tells him the story of _____________.
(a) Khatan and Karbala.
(b) Dula Mia.
(c) Hussan and Hussein.
(d) Bishad Shindhu.

6. How many children are born into Yunus's family?
(a) 12.
(b) 9.
(c) 14.
(d) 7.

7. How many of Yunus's siblings die in infancy?
(a) Five.
(b) Four.
(c) Two.
(d) Ten.

8. What is the name of the brother that attended the Lamar Bazar Free Primary School with Yunus?
(a) Salam.
(b) Banik.
(c) Shumar.
(d) Bishad.

9. What is the name of Yunus's mother?
(a) Moharran Karbala.
(b) Sofia Khatun.
(c) Bishad Shindhu.
(d) Dula Mia.

10. What is the name of Yunus's father?
(a) Moharran Karbala.
(b) Dula Mia.
(c) Sofia Khatun.
(d) Bishad Shindhu.

11. What is the name of the children's magazine that Yunus and his brother cleverly get for free?
(a) Bishad.
(b) Salam.
(c) Banik.
(d) Shuktara.

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