Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy... Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy... Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did many of the soldiers do while on leave to relieve stress?
(a) Drugs.
(b) Cried.
(c) Drank.
(d) Slept.

2. Berchtesgaden was a village populated with whom?
(a) Beautiful women.
(b) The elderly.
(c) Poor Jews.
(d) High-ranking Nazis.

3. What is an indirect fire weapon that fires shells at low velocities, short ranges, and high-arcing ballistic trajectories?
(a) Rocket launcher.
(b) Slingshot.
(c) Mortar.
(d) Catapult.

4. In Chapter Sixteen, "Getting to Know the Enemy: Germany: April 2-30, 1945" Easy Company traveled into Germany as an occupation force rather than what?
(a) Combative action.
(b) Soldiers.
(c) Savage warriors.
(d) Enforcers of the President.

5. Who attempted to keep the men's spirits high although morale was low due to the dreadful conditions in Chapter Eleven, "They Got Us Surrounded - The Poor Bastards: Bastogne: December 19-31, 1944"?
(a) General Taylor.
(b) Lieutenant Strayer.
(c) General McAuliffe.
(d) Colonel Sink.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who participated in the attack on Noville?

2. Where did Easy Company travel after Germany surrendered to Allied forces?

3. The day after Christmas in 1944, whose battalion broke through the German lines, providing much-needed food, supplies and support?

4. Who did Major Winters encounter on one occasion after his promotion and stopped to make him salute him in Chapter Fifteen, "The Best Feeling in the World: Mourmelon: February 25-April 2, 1945"?

5. What was forbidden while the men were in battle in Chapter Eleven, "They Got Us Surrounded - The Poor Bastards: Bastogne: December 19-31, 1944"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What changes were taking place amongst Easy Company in Chapter Ten, "Resting, Recovering, and Refitting: Mourmelon-le-Grand: November 26-December 18, 1944"? How was morale?

2. How were the troops set up in the battle at Bastogne in Chapter Eleven, "They Got Us Surrounded - The Poor Bastards: Bastogne: December 19-31, 1944"? What dangers were in this arrangement?

3. How was Easy Company's bravery illustrated in Bastogne in Chapter Ten, "Resting, Recovering, and Refitting: Mourmelon-le-Grand: November 26-December 18, 1944"?

4. What did the Easy Company men find in Austria in Chapter Eighteen, "The Soldier's Dream Life: Austria: May 8-July 31, 1945"?

5. What did the men do at Camp Mourmelon in Chapter Ten, "Resting, Recovering, and Refitting: Mourmelon-le-Grand: November 26-December 18, 1944"?

6. What took place once Easy Company returned to Mourmelon in Chapter Fifteen, "The Best Feeling in the World: Mourmelon: February 25-April 2, 1945"?

7. What did the soldiers find in the German people in Chapter Sixteen, "Getting to Know the Enemy: Germany: April 2-30, 1945"?

8. Where was Easy Company ordered in mid-December, 1944? What did they find there?

9. What was the experience like for the men while staying in Berchtesgaden? What did they find in the rural people?

10. What violence took place in Chapter Eighteen, "The Soldier's Dream Life: Austria: May 8-July 31, 1945"?

(see the answer keys)

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