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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Duties of the Latrine Orderly: Aldbourne: September 1943-March 1944.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What was the name of the base where the 506th Regiment trained in Chapter One, "We Wanted Those Wings: Camp Toccoa: July-December 1942"?
(a) Camp Tappioca.
(b) Camp Toccoa.
(c) Camp Tigerton.
(d) Camp Turtleback.
2. What were the men served a large meal of before being ordered to run up Mount Currahee in Chapter One, "We Wanted Those Wings: Camp Toccoa: July-December 1942"?
(a) Steak and potatoes.
(b) Fish and chips.
(c) Cheeseburgers.
(d) Spaghetti.
3. Who was promoted to 1st lieutenant in the first few weeks of basic training in Chapter One, "We Wanted Those Wings: Camp Toccoa: July-December 1942"?
(a) George Lavenson.
(b) Dick Winters.
(c) JB Stokes.
(d) Sterling W. Horner.
4. The men who completed five successful jumps in parachute training received a certificate and what to denote them certified parachutists?
(a) Ruby watches.
(b) Gold stars.
(c) Bronze wings.
(d) Silver wings.
5. What portion of parachute training were the men of the Easy Company excused from?
(a) Sleep deprivation.
(b) Psychological training.
(c) Parachute packing.
(d) Physical training.
Short Answer Questions
1. Growing dissatisfaction with Sobel's lack of tactical skill made some officers consider approaching who about the problem in Chapter Three, "Duties of the Latrine Orderly: Aldbourne: September 1943-March 1944"?
2. What percentage of Easy Company's regiment completed the first jump in parachute training?
3. Who did the company officers consult with about their ultimatum in Chapter Three, "Duties of the Latrine Orderly: Aldbourne: September 1943-March 1944" who suggested they step down?
4. What ultimatum did the company officers give Major Strayer in Chapter Three, "Duties of the Latrine Orderly: Alrbourne: September 1943-March 1944"?
5. Who verbally reprimanded the company for considering mutiny in Chapter Three, "Duties of the Latrine Orderly: Aldbourne: September 1943-March 1944"?
This section contains 316 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |