So Far from the Bamboo Grove Test | Final Test - Easy

Yoko Kawashima Watkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

So Far from the Bamboo Grove Test | Final Test - Easy

Yoko Kawashima Watkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Hideyo consider the moon "unsympathetic"?
(a) Because it is covered by clouds.
(b) Because it is so bright that it gives away his hiding spot.
(c) Because it isn't bright enough to help him find his way.
(d) Because it provids only light, not warmth.

2. What do Yoko and Ko use as an urn to store the important ashes?
(a) A bottle.
(b) A family heirloom.
(c) A wooden box.
(d) A mess kit.

3. Where is the red light that Hideyo sees coming from?
(a) A train in the distance.
(b) A farmhouse.
(c) His home.
(d) A soldier's bunker.

4. In addition to Japanese, who are the Korean Communists killing?
(a) Women and children.
(b) Russians.
(c) Men over the age of 18.
(d) Communist resisters.

5. How long have Yoko, Ko, and mother been at the refugee camp?
(a) A week.
(b) A year.
(c) A month.
(d) Six months.

6. Why can't Yoko go to the hotel alone?
(a) Japanese women and girls are forbidden to visit a man in a hotel without a guardian.
(b) She doesn't know how to get back to the warehouse in the dark.
(c) The hotel staff won't let her in because she is so unkempt.
(d) It is in a dangerous neighborhood.

7. What is the most gorgeous thing Yoko ever owned?
(a) The coat Ko made for her.
(b) New shoes.
(c) Mother's short sword.
(d) The futon.

8. What does Ko make from the Korean Communists' uniforms?
(a) Pants for Mr. Masuda.
(b) A dress for Mrs. Masuda.
(c) A coat for Yoko.
(d) Pants for herself.

9. Why do Ko's classmates stop teasing her?
(a) They find out what she has been through.
(b) They learn she is a skilled seamstress.
(c) They learn that she is the smartest student in the class.
(d) They find out that she is secretly wealthy.

10. How does eating so many mushrooms effect Hideyo?
(a) He is malnourished.
(b) He is fine.
(c) He has enough protein.
(d) He has diarrhea.

11. What color was Yoko's blanket originally?
(a) White.
(b) Blue.
(c) Red.
(d) Pink.

12. How long did it take to cross the Korean Straight?
(a) A week.
(b) A month.
(c) Six hours.
(d) Three days.

13. How long has it been since Hideyo had eaten at the start of Chapter 6?
(a) Almost a month.
(b) Five days.
(c) A few days.
(d) Nearly two weeks.

14. What does Yoko ask Mother at the end of Chapter 8?
(a) To help them with their school work.
(b) To help Ko repent for her sins.
(c) To watch over her and Ko.
(d) To forgive her.

15. What was father's name seal made of?
(a) Ivory.
(b) Metal.
(c) Jade.
(d) Stone.

Short Answer Questions

1. What items does the trash man save for Yoko?

2. What physical attribute is Yoko very self-conscious about?

3. What town is the only one to escape bombing?

4. Who is Yoko's only friend at school?

5. What does Ko miss about the train station?

(see the answer keys)

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