The Balcony Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Balcony Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Louis believe Roger should love?
(a) The Queen.
(b) Irma.
(c) Georgette.
(d) Chantal.

2. What seduces the Bishop and prepares him to play his private fantasy role in public?
(a) Irma's voice.
(b) His relfection in the mirror.
(c) The power of the robes.
(d) The Chief's compliments.

3. What does Mark tell Armand to do?
(a) Protect Chantal.
(b) Run and hide.
(c) Tell Roger the news.
(d) Grab a weapon and get out onto the streets and fight.

4. How is Chantal like the other officials?
(a) She craves power.
(b) She is loved by everyone.
(c) She is larger than life.
(d) She is protected by those that love her.

5. What do they realize about the explosion?
(a) It is far away.
(b) It is at the palace.
(c) It is minor.
(d) It is from the authorities, not the rebellion.

6. The authorities are planning to follow the usual pattern of what?
(a) Attack and run.
(b) Spying on the rebels.
(c) Using the rebellion to enhance their own power.
(d) Using double-agents.

7. Why does Georgette leave?
(a) To go to the whorehouse.
(b) To get medical supplies to prepare.
(c) To let the rebels know of the plans.
(d) To get the microphone ready for Chantal.

8. How does the Envoy introduce himself?
(a) As a man who has come to the Balcony to play a role.
(b) As a man who is deeply in love with the Queen.
(c) As the man in charge of the Queen's life.
(d) As the Queen's personal guard.

9. What does Louis say Roger is imagining?
(a) Life when the rebellion is over.
(b) His role in the rebellion.
(c) His life without the rebel cause.
(d) An ideal revolution carried out reasonably and efficiently.

10. Why are the officials moved around?
(a) So the rebels can see the crowd.
(b) To protect them.
(c) To put fear into them.
(d) So the Photographers can get the definitive pictures.

11. What does the Committee instruct the rebels to do regarding Chantal?
(a) Remove her from the rebellion.
(b) Put her image on posters.
(c) Have her sing.
(d) Put her into hiding.

12. What does the Envoy do with ribbons?
(a) He puts them in his hair.
(b) He pins them to his chest.
(c) He gives them to the Queen.
(d) He honors the Chief with the ribbons.

13. What does the Envoy assure the Chief?
(a) The Queen is safe.
(b) He is safe.
(c) The rebellion will be destroyed.
(d) His job is done.

14. What happens to Chantal?
(a) She is pushed off the balcony.
(b) She is shot dead.
(c) She is escorted off the balcony.
(d) She is cheered.

15. What does the Chief say are all failures?
(a) The Envoy's ideas for improving his image.
(b) The rebels.
(c) His friends.
(d) Everything he tries to do to end the rebellion.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the ultimate end faced by anyone in authority?

2. Where is the Envoy headed?

3. To what does Irma agree?

4. What does the Envoy hint to Irma?

5. Who appears on the balcony?

(see the answer keys)

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