The Balcony Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Balcony Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are these experiences important?
(a) They are exciting.
(b) They provide a release for visitors.
(c) They remain pure.
(d) They earn money for Irma.

2. How does Carmen feel after dressing up as the Virgin Mary for a bank clerk's fantasy?
(a) Depressed.
(b) Disgusted.
(c) Unsure.
(d) She feels spiritual pleasure.

3. How is Irma a thoughtful person, according to Carmen?
(a) She cares about the rebels.
(b) For providing such an important service for such lonely people.
(c) She is always thinking about the prostitute's well-being.
(d) She treats Carmen well.

4. How has Irma felt waiting for the Chief of Police?
(a) Scared.
(b) Excited.
(c) Nervous.
(d) Angry.

5. How does the Chief of Police change the subject?
(a) He asks for details about what scenarios have gone on in the whorehouse.
(b) He asks Irma if she will get rid of Arthur.
(c) He contemplates what scenario he will have.
(d) He talks about how disturbing it is the have the Queen in hiding.

6. Why does Georgette take over from Chantal?
(a) Chantal is thinking too much about what she is doing.
(b) Chantal's voice is becoming shaky.
(c) Chantal is too upset.
(d) Chantal needs to leave Roger alone.

7. What does Chantal say she is not cut out to be?
(a) Either a singer or a prostitute.
(b) Either a nurse or a rebel.
(c) Either a mother or a nurse.
(d) Either Roger or Luke's girlfriend.

8. Where has Chantal learned her technique?
(a) At a university.
(b) With a professional voice coach.
(c) In a whorehouse.
(d) From her mother.

9. What is the rebels' control committee discussing?
(a) Where to hit the enemy next.
(b) What to do with all of the POWs.
(c) The formation of a provisional government.
(d) How to oust the Queen from her throne.

10. What does the Chief demand from Irma?
(a) Complete control of the whorehouse.
(b) A free scenario.
(c) The receipts for the evening's business.
(d) An apology.

11. What does Arthur's conversation with Irma reveal?
(a) They are lovers.
(b) They are siblings.
(c) They are husband and wife.
(d) They are part of the rebellion.

12. What does the Bishop repeatedly insist that the Young Woman do?
(a) Pray.
(b) Cook for him.
(c) Confess her sins.
(d) Shout his name.

13. Why does Irma have trouble replacing prostitutes?
(a) The girls do not want to role play.
(b) When what they are asked to do becomes too real.
(c) The girls do not like Irma.
(d) When they do not get paid on time.

14. What does Georgette say to Chantal about her bandaging abilities?
(a) She is very good and gentle.
(b) She has improved greatly since she arrived.
(c) Being too rough is as false to the job as thinking about it too much.
(d) She just needs to keep practicing.

15. Who is on his hands and knees in front of the Prisoner?
(a) The General.
(b) A Judge.
(c) The Executioner.
(d) The Bishop.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money does Carmen say the whorehouse has earned?

2. What will the rebels be occupying that evening?

3. What ultimately makes Carmen unhappy?

4. What does Roger say people need to start doing?

5. What happens when Irma leaves the Bishop?

(see the answer keys)

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