Bad Girls of the Bible Test | Final Test - Medium

Liz Curtis Higgs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bad Girls of the Bible Test | Final Test - Medium

Liz Curtis Higgs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Bad Girls of the Bible Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who can save them?
(a) Christ.
(b) Themselves.
(c) Their husbands.
(d) Their families.

2. Why does Dave agree to leave Michele alone?
(a) Michele's father threatens to have him arrested.
(b) He does not like Michele.
(c) He wants to move.
(d) Michele's father tells Dave he will make sure Dave never works in ministry again.

3. According to the Bible, what is Rahab?
(a) A nurse.
(b) A doctor.
(c) A dancer.
(d) A harlot.

4. What does Anita see in this man's eyes?
(a) Pity.
(b) Love.
(c) Forgiveness.
(d) Fear.

5. Why does Abe call out to God?
(a) He is angry.
(b) For help against his wife.
(c) For vengence.
(d) For repentance.

Short Answer Questions

1. Does Higgs identify with any of these women?

2. What can Anita still not believe?

3. Who stands at Rae's doorstep?

4. What do the men tell Rae to paint on her roof?

5. Why does Jasmine lean farther out to speak to the man?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Higgs wonder about the reader? How does Higgs feel about the Bad Girls?

2. What does Anita do when she sees the governor's son?

3. What happens once Michele is caught seeing Dave?

4. How has Rae become a Christian?

5. What can Anita still not believe?

6. Describe Sofia and Aidan's life since their move to Pittsburgh.

7. What happens to Aidan and Sofia's money?

8. What is known about Michele's husband?

9. Where is Anita planning on going? Why?

10. What is contained in the short poem?

(see the answer keys)

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