Bad Feminist Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Roxane Gay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bad Feminist Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Roxane Gay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Race & Entertainment Essays 4-6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What two areas of diversity does Gay explore in her essay "When Less Is More"?
(a) Gender and political.
(b) Racial and religion.
(c) Racial and gender.
(d) Gender and religion.

2. In the essay "Some Jokes Are Funnier Than Others," what major event were the children watching in their science classroom?
(a) The first man walking on the moon.
(b) The Challenger.
(c) The Vietnam riots.
(d) JFK's funeral.

3. In the essay "Not Here to Make Friends," what does Gay say was dead to her as a teenager?
(a) Faith.
(b) Honesty.
(c) Sincerity.
(d) Kindness.

4. What sport do both Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield participate in, as mentioned in the essay "I Once Was Miss America"?
(a) Track.
(b) Volleyball.
(c) Golf.
(d) Cheerleading.

5. In her essay "The Trouble with Prince Charming," who is the female protagonist who gets swept off her feet by the handsome Christian Grey?
(a) Anastasia (or Ana).
(b) Kate.
(c) Jennifer.
(d) Kim.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what film does Gay refer in her essay "Surviving Django"?

2. What is the name of the Garret Keizer book that Gay references in "A Tale of Three Coming Out Stories"?

3. As mentioned in the essay "The Last Day of a Young Black Man," who wrote and directed the film "Fruitvale Station"?

4. In the essay "Some Jokes Are Funnier Than Others," what has the comedian done that appalls Gay?

5. According to the essay "Surviving Django," who produced the film "Django"?

(see the answer key)

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