Bad Blood Quiz | One Week Quiz A

John Carreyrou
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bad Blood Quiz | One Week Quiz A

John Carreyrou
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 19 - 20.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For how many years had John Carreyrou worked for the Wall Street Journal when he was tipped off about the Theranos story?
(a) 19 years.
(b) 16 years.
(c) 22 years.
(d) 12 years.

2. When did Bruce Ivins kill himself?
(a) July, 2013.
(b) September 2, 2009.
(c) July, 2008.
(d) December, 2011.

3. Who was CENTCOM's command surgeon and the person that Mattis forwarded his email to in response to Elizabeth Holmes in 2012?
(a) Colonel Ben Gordon.
(b) Colonel Erin Edgar.
(c) Colonel John Howard.
(d) Colonel Chris Todd.

4. What was Lt. Col. Shoemaker's position when he encountered Theranos?
(a) Deputy Director for the Defense Information Systems Agency.
(b) Deputy Director for the Defense Contract Management Agency.
(c) Deputy Director for the Division of Regulated Activities and Compliance.
(d) Assistant Deputy Director for the Department of Defense.

5. Where did Christian Holmes II deplete his share of the Fleischmann fortune living a lavish lifestyle?
(a) New York.
(b) Hawaii.
(c) Los Angeles.
(d) Las Vegas.

Short Answer Questions

1. For how long had Tyler Shultz worked at Theranos?

2. Who was head of the U.S. General Command that Elizabeth Holmes met with about using Theranos devices on the battlefield in 2011?

3. When did Lt. Col. Shoemaker make contact with the FDA directly by email regarding Theranos for the first time?

4. When did Aaron Moore resign from Theranos?

5. On which former employee's computer did Matt Bissel find inappropriate sexual material that was used to deny him stock options?

(see the answer key)

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