Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women Test | Final Test - Medium

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Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 221 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In 1980 sex discrimination and other kinds of complaints filed before which agency climbs twenty-five to forty percent?
(a) The EEOC.
(b) NOW.
(c) No answers are correct.
(d) The ERA.

2. What percentage of younger women feel more akin to NOW than to either political party?
(a) 83 percent.
(b) 28 percent.
(c) 75 percent.
(d) 50 percent.

3. Which of the following women is one of the co-authors of the book No More Lonely Nights?
(a) Susan Price.
(b) Robin Norwood.
(c) Susan Page.
(d) Toni Grant.

4. The New Right select which of the following adjectives to describe feminism?
(a) Insipid.
(b) Timely.
(c) Satanic.
(d) Unrelenting.

5. The co-directors of which of the following organizations declare themselves "the psychological arm of the women's movement"?
(a) American Psychological Association.
(b) American Psychosis Association.
(c) National Self-Help Clearinghouse.
(d) American Psychiatric Association.

Short Answer Questions

1. The antiabortion message is championed by which of the following teams?

2. Which of these is not a goal of the New Right?

3. According to Faludi what is the greatest fear of suffrage opponents in the 1910s?

4. According to Toni Grant, self-assertion for women is abnormal and relinquishing control is naturally feminine. Therefore, when women attempt to control their own destiny they are in fact showing that they are _____________.

5. According to Faludi, the 1980s are awash with books about women's special virtues of:

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the ways in which Poet Robert Bly affects the feminist movement.

2. When Faludi writes that New Right women are less "trapped in the backlash eddies," what does she mean?

3. As one of the czars under President Regan, Gary Bauer represents male politicians who attack feminism. These men attempt to serve the backlash vocally while being unable to do so in reality with their own families. Describe the contradiction for Bauer.

4. The press touts a shrinking pay gap and decreasing discrimination for women in white-collar positions. According to Faludi, however, this is not the case. Explain the evidence Faludi presents to refute the presses claims.

5. The media is highlighted as a field in which women see some of the worst progress. What evidence does Faludi use to support her claim?

6. Chronicle the life of Connaught ("Connie") Marshner after she leaves college.

7. The feminist movement gained support and momentum in 1984 when Representative Geraldine Ferraro was nominated for vice-president on the Democratic ticket. Four years later, however, female candidates running for office are at record lows and they do not win most of the races for which they run. What is the explanation for this vast shift over a four-year period?

8. Summarize the Sears, Roebuck, and Co. battle with the EEOC?

9. Author and radio show host Toni Grant provides advice to help women be happy, overcome the obstacles of feminism, and get married. Highlight how her relationship advice contrasts with her real life relationships.

10. Provide a chronological discussion of how women and feminists battle against the American Psychiatric Association as it considers adding the term masochism to its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1985.

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