Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 221 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The term "strong-armed into motherhood" is used by Faludi to describe which of the following movies?
(a) Crossing Delancey.
(b) Broadcast News.
(c) Fatal Attraction.
(d) Baby Boom.

2. Retin-A is approved by the FDA to treat _____________ and is eventually marketed to treat ________.
(a) Wrinkles, acne.
(b) Acne, wrinkles.
(c) Wrinkles, wrinkles.
(d) Acne, acne.

3. Whose design house loses $9.3 million in 1989?
(a) John Weitz.
(b) Christian Lacroix.
(c) Christian Dior.
(d) Calvin Klein.

4. Which of the following two anti-feminist movies are made into television sitcoms?
(a) No answers are correct.
(b) Private Benjamin and Fatal Attraction.
(c) Baby Boom and Private Benjamin.
(d) Fatal Attraction and Baby Boom.

5. According to Faludi, thirty years of data show that men suffer __________ __________ than do women.
(a) Less psychologically.
(b) Less physically.
(c) More physically.
(d) More psychologically.

Short Answer Questions

1. Faludi asserts that equal attention is given to _______ family size in whites and ________ family size among blacks.

2. Faludi presents Ms. Magazine as a media outlet that has abandoned its flagship status as a supporter of the feminist movement. She writes that the magazine returns to its roots only after what happens?

3. Guess Jeans' advertising campaign is based variously on all the following except:

4. Advertisers tell women career success is harming their complexions and causing all of the following except:

5. Backlash is written in which decade?

Short Essay Questions

1. What role does Women's Wear Daily play between the fashion industry and the feminist movement?

2. What is the purpose of the book Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women?

3. Select at least three media outlets and discuss how they work with the backlash to use relationship "scare tactics" to fight against the feminist movement.

4. Discuss the way in which the movies and television treat the subject of women and careers.

5. Recount the stages of the "Intimate Apparel Explosion" as written by Faludi. In your account, include the names of at least four individuals and/or companies

6. In a survey of men, it was found that only a small percentage truly supported equality for women. Identify two reasons why men would support equality for women and two reasons why they would not support this initiative.

7. In chapter 7 of the book, why does Faludi write that retailers use the word "choice" to make their sales pitches "sound feminist"?

8. Briefly explain the series of events that occur after the New York Times announces a "back-to-the-home trend" in 1980 based on six Ivy League undergraduates.

9. Discuss how the backlash uses the technique of divide and conquer. Analyze how each of the following pairs of women can be pitted against each other: single versus married, working versus homemakers, and affluent versus working poor.

10. Faludi writes that getting ABC to put Marilyn French's best-selling novel The Women's Room on screen is Esther Shapiro's "most grueling" professional experience. What are some of the factors that make this project so difficult?

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