Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women Test | Final Test - Easy

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Backlash: The Undeclared War against American Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 221 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The antiabortion message is championed by which of the following teams?
(a) The New York Giants.
(b) The New York Knicks.
(c) New York Rangers.
(d) New York Yankees.

2. Medical journals define codependency as individuals doing which of the following?
(a) Ending unfulfilling relationships.
(b) Choosing to live with more than one adult partner.
(c) Being unable to live without each other.
(d) Selecting dysfunctional life partners.

3. This author dismisses a young woman's objection about women's role in gathering supplies.
(a) Allan Bloom.
(b) George Gilder.
(c) Warren Farrell.
(d) Michael Levin.

4. Paul Weyrich is defined by Faludi as all the following EXCEPT:
(a) Considering feminism as a dead issue.
(b) The "Father of the New Right."
(c) Viewing women's liberation as a dangerous lie.
(d) Founder of the Heritage Foundation.

5. Women's progress in the military falls after the Carter administration had ushered in a _______________ growth rate.
(a) Undocumented but noteworthy.
(b) 800%.
(c) Small.
(d) Marginal.

6. The Price's use all of the following accommodations to a feminist lifestyle except which of the following?
(a) Susan does not complete her professional studies to become a therapist.
(b) Susan does not want to be a homemaker, over Stephen's objections.
(c) Susan puts Stephen through graduate school.
(d) They use babysitters and nursery schools and Susan is content.

7. George Gilder writes that family is the ______________ so males denied this are apt to________________.
(a) Acid test of manhood, devolve into brutes.
(b) Death of the American male, enjoy greater freedom.
(c) All answers are correct.
(d) Greatest gift to men and women, resent the women who will not marry.

8. George Gilder, a Reagan speechwriter, states that the women's movement does all of the following EXCEPT:
(a) Allows women to survive without husbands.
(b) Supports male misogyny.
(c) Champions social welfare programs.
(d) Encourages women to work.

9. Chapter 13, "The Wages of the Backlash" shows all of the following undermining the progress women make in the 1970s EXCEPT:
(a) Reaganomics.
(b) Recession.
(c) An expanding minimum-wage economy.
(d) Religion.

10. Which of these is not a goal of the New Right?
(a) Censoring of birth control information.
(b) All answers are correct.
(c) Revocation of the Equal Pay Act.
(d) A ban on all abortions.

11. Who was the author of the book, Closed: 99 Ways to Stop Abortion?
(a) Emmet Sullivan.
(b) Randall Terry.
(c) John Willke.
(d) Joseph Scheidler.

12. Both Susan and Stephen Price claim to be ___________ in a ___________ age.
(a) Anti-feminists, anti-feminist.
(b) Feminists, anti-feminist.
(c) No answers are correct.
(d) Feminists, post-feminist.

13. Which book shows Reagan's influence in criticizing the welfare state and pushing volunteerism and individual responsibility?
(a) The Second Stage.
(b) The Feminine Mystique.
(c) In a Different Voice.
(d) No answers are correct.

14. What percentage of younger women feel more akin to NOW than to either political party?
(a) 75 percent.
(b) 83 percent.
(c) 50 percent.
(d) 28 percent.

15. Sylvia Ann Hewlett worked at which university?
(a) Cornell.
(b) No answers are correct.
(c) Barnard College.
(d) Yeshiva University.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the 1980 presidential election, the only clear differentiation from the Democrats comes when the Republicans do what according to Faludi?

2. According to Faludi, Randall Terry is a leading figure in the antiabortion movement and his emotional baggage dates from which of the following?

3. In the books, Smart Women/Foolish Choices and Women Men Love/Women Men Leave women are told that their problems stem from which of the following choices?

4. Which author uses fairy tales to generalize about men and women without offending anyone?

5. Christine Craft is demoted for which of the following reasons?

(see the answer keys)

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