Back Spin Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Back Spin Test | Final Test - Medium

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Cissy adamant about seeing Win now?
(a) She is dying from cancer and wants to make peace.
(b) She wants to amend her will.
(c) She is moving to Europe?
(d) She wants to tell him about her new husband.

2. What can Myron tell about the fight between Carl and Esperanza?
(a) It never started.
(b) It will end in serious injury.
(c) It is fake.
(d) Someone will be killed.

3. Who accompanies Myron to pick up Chad?
(a) Victoria.
(b) Esperanza.
(c) Jack.
(d) Win.

4. Which of the following does Chad NOT say happened to him when he was kidnapped?
(a) He was driven off in a car.
(b) A bag was put over his head.
(c) He knew his kidnappers.
(d) He was tied up.

5. What does Myron think is the source of Jack's erratic playing today?
(a) A fight with Linda.
(b) Chad's severed finger.
(c) A ransom call on his cell phone.
(d) An impending thunderstorm.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Carl order Myron to drive?

2. The mention of ________ makes Esme seem wary.

3. How much money does Esperanza give the bartender for information about Tito?

4. Who does Myron deduce was the man with Jack at the motel?

5. What is the location where Jack was shot?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Francine tell Myron about Lloyd after Myron reveals who he really is?

2. What true story does Chad tell after Myron protests that Chad is lying about his account of the kidnapping?

3. What surprising information do Carl and the motel maid give to Myron?

4. Where is Myron looking when he realizes that he has solved the crime?

5. How does Myron secure a meeting with Lloyd Rennart's widow?

6. Why does Myron not call the police after he discovers Tito's dead body?

7. Describe Esperanza's encounter in the biker bar.

8. What does Myron tell Victoria and Linda about Lloyd Rennart?

9. What is the shocking news that Linda gives Jack when she phones him?

10. Why is Linda a suspect in Jack's murder?

(see the answer keys)

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