Back Spin Test | Final Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Back Spin Test | Final Test - Easy

Harlan Coben
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the maid that Carl introduces to Myron?
(a) Kiawah.
(b) Kylie.
(c) Karrie.
(d) Kiana.

2. What does Myron pretend to be with the girls at the mall?
(a) FBI agent.
(b) CIA agent.
(c) Undercover cop.
(d) Newspaper reporter.

3. What does Esme claim Chad was doing the last time she saw him?
(a) Playing baseball.
(b) Watching TV.
(c) Reading.
(d) Sleeping.

4. What is Jack's reason for filing for divorce from Linda?
(a) He claims mental cruelty.
(b) He claims she was unfaithful.
(c) He just didn't love her anymore.
(d) He claims she was a bad mother.

5. Who does Myron suspect might have known about the affair with Esme and Chad?
(a) Matthew.
(b) Linda.
(c) Jack.
(d) Rocky.

6. Who does Reginald say that Matt saw looking at Chad's car in the parking lot of the Court Manor Inn?
(a) Win.
(b) Jack.
(c) Esme.
(d) Linda.

7. Who cut off Chad's finger?
(a) Esme.
(b) Tito.
(c) Escape.
(d) Bucky.

8. How long had it been since Esme claims to have seen Chad?
(a) Weeks.
(b) She doesn't know Chad.
(c) A couple years ago.
(d) A couple of days.

9. What does Francine give Myron permission to go through?
(a) Francine's photo albums.
(b) Lloyd's bank records.
(c) Lloyd's tax returns.
(d) Boxes of Lloyd's personal effects.

10. Which of the following does Myron not do to Escape?
(a) Unties him.
(b) Threatens him with torture and death.
(c) Warns him not to leave.
(d) Shoots him twice in the head.

11. What does Myron say is the loose end in the case?
(a) Crusty's truck.
(b) Chad's ATM card.
(c) The ransom money.
(d) Crusty's accomplice.

12. Which of the following does NOT go to the biker bar?
(a) Myron.
(b) Mindy.
(c) Esperanza.
(d) Win.

13. Who is Myron's receptionist?
(a) Big Cyndi.
(b) Cynda Shane.
(c) Big Betty.
(d) Cyndi Lou.

14. Which of the following does Esme NOT confirm about Lloyd Rennart?
(a) He paid cash for his bar.
(b) He bought his house outright with no mortgage.
(c) He is alive and well and living in Peru.
(d) There is no record of his working.

15. What does Myron think is the source of Jack's erratic playing today?
(a) A ransom call on his cell phone.
(b) Chad's severed finger.
(c) A fight with Linda.
(d) An impending thunderstorm.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following does Myron NOT find among Lloyd Rennart's personal effects?

2. What happened years ago that makes Win avoid his mother?

3. What is the news conveyed during the phone call received while Victoria and Myron meet with Linda?

4. Where does Myron do a stakeout the following night?

5. Who now thinks that the kidnapping was a hoax?

(see the answer keys)

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