Aztec Test | Final Test - Medium

Gary Jennings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Aztec Test | Final Test - Medium

Gary Jennings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Mixtli ask to marry him after the death of his daughter?
(a) Zaynya.
(b) Canautli.
(c) Cayaulzauqui.
(d) Beu Ribe.

2. What happens to Ticklish's child when she gives birth?
(a) He is kidnapped almost immediately.
(b) He is stillborn.
(c) He is deemed to be a god.
(d) He is paralyzed.

3. How does Mixtli gauge if the tribes he meets are kin?
(a) If they know the proper way to greet a stranger.
(b) If they know the secret handhake.
(c) If they speak Nahuatl.
(d) If he has heard of them before.

4. Who is made the regent while Ahuitzotl is in his stupor?
(a) His son.
(b) His nephew.
(c) No one.
(d) His wife.

5. What are the Spaniards interested i nbringing back to their ruler?
(a) Magic.
(b) Gold.
(c) Slaves.
(d) Jewels.

Short Answer Questions

1. What "weapon" of Cortes's terrifies the native warriors?

2. With whom does Mixtli get in a duel?

3. Why does Motexuzoma refuse to believe that he will soon be invaded?

4. Who comes and visits Mixtli and Zyanya, and stays awhile, in their new home?

5. Who is Siriame?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the effect of taking jipuri cacti?

2. What reason does the Bishop give in his letter to the emperor for continuing to allow the Indians to be enslaved?

3. What does Snake Woman realize after she is sent with golden gifts to Cortes in Chololan?

4. How do Motecuzoma and Nezahualpili agree to settle their bet over with whom to go to war?

5. According to legend, who induces the people from Aztlan to seek power by worshiping the war god and feeding him with human sacrifices?

6. What does Motecuzoma do instead of making peace and preparing for the Outlander invasion?

7. For how long are Mixtli and Zyanya married before Zyanya finally becomes pregnant?

8. What does Malintzin's ambitious behavior demonstrate right away to Mixtli?

9. Who is Canautli?

10. What does Mixtli do to show his urgency among the priests who hold the purple dye?

(see the answer keys)

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