Aztec Short Essay - Answer Key

Gary Jennings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Aztec Short Essay - Answer Key

Gary Jennings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. Why is Mixtli's home area called the five lakes region?

Mixtli's home area is called the five lakes region because there is a huge lake broken up by islands that seem to divide the large lake into 5 little ones.

2. Why does Chimali hide his hair?

Chimali hides his hair because he is afraid its unruliness will set him apart from other boys -- and that he then might be picked as a human sacrifice because of it.

3. How old is Mixtli when he sees his first human sacrifice?

Although we never know his exact age, Mixtli is still a boy when he sees his first human sacrifice.

4. In the opening of the book, what does Mixtli's sister, Tzitzilini, get punished for?

In the opening of the book, Mixtli's sister, Tzitzilini, gets punished for masturbating.

5. Who is the cacao-colored man who often wanders the streets?

The cacao-colored man who often wanders the streets is actually the ruler of Texcoco in disguise.

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