Aztec Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Gary Jennings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Aztec Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Gary Jennings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV, P. 136 to P. 228.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What nickname is Mixtli given because of his poor vision?
(a) Turtle.
(b) Four-eyes.
(c) Mole.
(d) Blind.

2. What does Mixtli's formal, adult name mean?
(a) Dark Cloud.
(b) Cleansing Rain.
(c) Steady Mountain.
(d) Deep-Rooted Tree.

3. Where does Tepetzalan work?
(a) He is unemployed.
(b) He is the king, so he doesn't really work anywhere specific.
(c) In a rock quarry.
(d) On the subway.

4. What is an acali?
(a) The royal boat that takes Mixtli back to Texcoco.
(b) A strange bug that seems to have mystical powers.
(c) The name given to the person about to be sacrificed.
(d) A spy.

5. What does Lady Jadeston Doll do to her lovers?
(a) Keeps them in the castle dungeons.
(b) Tortures them.
(c) Banishes them.
(d) Kills them.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Mixtli sad to leave his hometown for Texcoco?

2. On what job is Mitxtli working when his sister seduces him?

3. Why is Tzitzi summoned by priests?

4. What is a holy number in Mixtli's society?

5. What is distinct about the man who stops Mixtli on his naming day and asks to read his fortune?

(see the answer key)

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