Aztec Multiple Choice Test Questions

Gary Jennings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Aztec Multiple Choice Test Questions

Gary Jennings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Aztec Lesson Plans

Part I, P. 1 to P. 34

1. Who wrote Aztec?
(a) Wiliam Shakespeare.
(b) Gary Jennings.
(c) Manuel Rendon.
(d) J.D. Salinger.

2. What is Emperor Carlos the ruler of?
(a) The Holy Roman Empire.
(b) Spain.
(c) None of these answers are correct.
(d) The Holy Roman Empire and Spain.

3. Where is Mixtli from?
(a) Spain.
(b) Madrid.
(c) Chimali.
(d) Xaltocan.

4. What modern day city would Mixtli have been from?
(a) Mexico City.
(b) New York.
(c) Madrid.
(d) Rome.

5. What is Mixtli called until he is 7 years old?
(a) Six Branches.
(b) Angry Runner.
(c) Little Man.
(d) Seven Flowers.

6. What is unique about Chimali's hair?
(a) It is grey even though he is a little kid.
(b) It is outrageously red and very, very long.
(c) It is wild and unruly.
(d) He has none.

7. How does Chimali hide his hair as a child?
(a) Beneath a ski cap.
(b) He tucks it under his shirt, in the back.
(c) He rubs mud in it to hide the color.
(d) In a hollowed-out pumpkin.

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