Away (Currency Plays) Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Gow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Away (Currency Plays) Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Gow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Act Three, Scene Three, what does Coral see when she is with Rick?
(a) Lighthouse.
(b) Mountains.
(c) Ships.
(d) The water.

2. In Act Four, Scene Three, what does the MC carry?
(a) Guitar.
(b) Ukulele.
(c) Whip.
(d) Fake flowers.

3. How old is the carving is at the end of the beach in Act Four, Scene One?
(a) About 4,000 years.
(b) 6,500 years.
(c) At least 5,000 years.
(d) 3,500 years.

4. What movie does Jim tell Meg that he took Gwen to see when they were first courting?
(a) Gone with the Wind.
(b) A Connecticut Yankee.
(c) Cleopatra.
(d) The Good Earth.

5. In Act Four, Scene One, who persuades Gwen to go for a stroll?
(a) Harry.
(b) Vic.
(c) Jim.
(d) Meg.

6. In Act Three, Scene One, what did Rick want for lunch?
(a) Hot dog.
(b) Meatloaf platter.
(c) Fish and chips.
(d) Hamburger.

7. In Act Four, Scene Two, what does Coral bring after Meg leaves Tom?
(a) Food.
(b) Flowers.
(c) Wood.
(d) Costumes.

8. What is Rick's job?
(a) Machine operator.
(b) Warehouse//general laborer.
(c) Forklift operator.
(d) Fitter and turner.

9. What is the subject of the jokes the MC tells in Act Four, Scene Three?
(a) The city.
(b) The beach.
(c) Dogs.
(d) Elephants.

10. In Act Three, Scene Two, how many campers approach Jim regarding a petition?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 6.
(d) 5.

11. What disease does Harry say that Tom has?
(a) Cancer of the blood.
(b) Lung cancer.
(c) Leukemia.
(d) Neuroblastoma.

12. What is Tom wearing when he appears for his play in Act Four, Scene 3?
(a) Sailor's cap.
(b) Straw hat.
(c) Baseball cap.
(d) Bowler hat.

13. What is on the beach after the play in Act Four, Scene 3?
(a) Dancing.
(b) Bonfire.
(c) Music.
(d) Refreshments.

14. What does Vic say that they drove past on their way to the beach in Act Four, Scene One?
(a) Gas station.
(b) Farm.
(c) Diary.
(d) Grocery store.

15. In Act Four, Scene Three, what does the MC sing about?
(a) The ocean.
(b) Whales.
(c) Shells.
(d) Dolphins.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Tom and Coral's play?

2. How is the MC dressed in Act Four, Scene Three?

3. Who does Coral strike up a conversation with at the beginning of Act Three, Scene One?

4. How long was Tom gone from school with his illness?

5. At the beginning of Act Three, Scene Two, who does Gwen yell at?

(see the answer keys)

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