The Awakening Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Awakening Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Edna receive with her husband's letter of disapproval?
(a) Nothing
(b) Instructions on how to get to this mother's house
(c) Instructions to contact an architect to remodel their house
(d) Instructions to contact a lawyer to start their divorce

2. The Colonel is an expert at concocting:
(a) Strong drinks
(b) Crazy jokes
(c) Odd stories
(d) Tobacco mixes

3. Where is Edna at the end of this story?
(a) In the ocean, physically too tired to swim back
(b) Back on Esplanade Street, with Leonce
(c) On a ship to Mexico
(d) Having dinner with Victor and Mariequita

4. Why does Mr. Pontellier not try to persuade Edna to go to the wedding?
(a) He is following the doctor's advice to let her do as she likes.
(b) He thinks she needs to stay back and look after the house.
(c) He does not want to bring her.
(d) He thinks it will get him out of going as well.

5. Edna's father believes her marriage would be stronger if:
(a) Mr. Pontellier would stay home full-time with her.
(b) Mr. Pontellier supported her painting career.
(c) Mr. Pontellier stayed home more evenings with her.
(d) Mr. Pontellier made her his business partner.

6. As Edna walks on the beach, what does she realize about Robert?
(a) That he was a cad just like Alcee
(b) He probably had another girlfriend anyway.
(c) He was much too young for her.
(d) That eventually he would melt out of her existence

7. Why does Edna not want to go abroad?
(a) She cannot stand traveling with Leonce.
(b) She does not want to be forced into doing things she does not want to do anymore.
(c) She prefers domestic travel.
(d) She does not like foreign travel.

8. What does Adele tell Edna to do?
(a) Stay with her until she recovers
(b) Stay with Leonce no matter what
(c) To go back to Grande Isle
(d) Remember the children

9. What is her overwhelming feeling after kissing Alcee?
(a) A feeling of excitement
(b) A feeling of irresponsibility
(c) A feeling of inevitablity
(d) A feeling of lightness

10. How do the Pontellier children feel about their house being renovated?
(a) Excited
(b) They do not understand.
(c) Upset
(d) Confused

11. Who does Mrs. Highcamp think her daughter would like?
(a) Leonce
(b) Victor
(c) Alcee
(d) Robert

12. Who will pay for Edna's expensive dinner party?
(a) Alcee
(b) Robert
(c) Leonce
(d) Victor

13. According to Adele, what is Alcee's reputation?
(a) Dreadful
(b) Very good
(c) Not really known
(d) Respectable

14. Why does Edna tell Victor to stop singing?
(a) He is a terrible singer.
(b) He is singing a song that Robert often sang to her.
(c) She wants to sing.
(d) She hates that song.

15. Describe the nature of Robert's and Edna's conversation:
(a) Very proper and polite
(b) A bit awkward, mostly small talk
(c) As if they had never left each other
(d) Very intellectual

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Alcee call Edna's new home?

2. What does Mademoiselle Reisz say is essential to becoming a true artist?

3. Why did Robert leave Mexico?

4. What worries Mr. Pontellier about this situation?

5. What does Edna want to do before dinner?

(see the answer keys)

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