The Awakening Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Awakening Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What folly has Mrs. Pontellier committed, according to her husband?
(a) She has bathed at a bad time.
(b) She has bought an ugly swimsuit.
(c) She has taken swimming lessons .
(d) She is under a white sunshade when a black one would be better.

2. Describe Mr. Ratignolle:
(a) Salt of the earth, cheerful, good hearted with common sense
(b) Quiet, stoic
(c) Dark, somber, not given to saying much to anyone
(d) Overly talkative

3. What does Edna do when her husband orders her to come inside?
(a) She suggests they take a walk.
(b) She asks if they can get a larger cottage.
(c) She obeys him instantly.
(d) She refuses to obey him.

4. What does Leonce believe is a way to become rich?
(a) To speculate in real estate
(b) To keep children in public not private schools
(c) To make money, not save it
(d) To con people into buying investments they do not need

5. As Edna walks around town, who occupies her thoughts?
(a) Robert
(b) Leonce
(c) Alphonse
(d) Raoul

6. As they sail to the Cheniere Caminada, how does Edna feel?
(a) She feels she is being liberated.
(b) Sick to her stomach
(c) Eager to experience a religious awakening
(d) Oppressed

7. What does Robert say in response to Edna's comment that they have spent the entire day together?
(a) He does not really care, so he has no response.
(b) He is embarrassed at the remark and turns away.
(c) All but the hundred years she was sleeping
(d) He does not think that is correct.

8. Rather than paint, what does Mr. Pontellier think his wife should be doing?
(a) Going back to school
(b) Getting a job
(c) Looking after the children and household
(d) Volunteering at a hospital

9. What does Madame Ratignolle mean when she talks about her condition?
(a) Her pregnancy
(b) Her illness
(c) Her relationship with her husband
(d) Her situation in life

10. What does opening up to Madame Ratignolle do for Edna?
(a) It makes her want to pack up and go home.
(b) She wishes she had a psychiatrist to talk to.
(c) It makes her realize her life is full.
(d) It muddles her like wine, or like a first breath of freedom.

11. How does Edna feel upon leaving the Ratignolles?
(a) Eager to go back
(b) Depressed rather than soothed
(c) Profoundly changed
(d) Soothed and sleepy

12. What does Mademoiselle Reisz say to Edna after her performance?
(a) She should have chosen a different tune.
(b) She would have preferred playing the violin.
(c) It is the last time she will perform for anyone.
(d) Edna is the only one worth playing for.

13. Around what time does Edna finally get up?
(a) About one hour before dawn
(b) Two in the morning
(c) Noon the next day
(d) At the same time she always does, seven a.m.

14. Leonce is so dissatisfied with dinner he leaves to:
(a) Go to see his doctor
(b) Go to a restaurant
(c) Go to the club
(d) Go to the Ratignolles

15. According to Edna, her marriage to Leonce Pontellier was purely an:
(a) Act of convenience
(b) Amiable thing to do
(c) Accident
(d) Act of rebellion

Short Answer Questions

1. Although they do not talk, what does the author say is happening between Robert and Edna?

2. How has Robert's going away affected Edna?

3. Why are there no recent adult photographs of Robert at his mother's home?

4. How does Mr. Pontellier view his home?

5. Who is the embodiment of every womanly grace and charm?

(see the answer keys)

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