Avalon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anya Seton
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Avalon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alfrida do when she realizes Rumon hasn't drunk the poison?
(a) She knocks him out with a huge candlestick.
(b) She reacts in a rage and hits Rumon.
(c) She get Cild to help her poison him a second time.
(d) She abandons her plan.

2. Why is Rumon lost?
(a) Because he has a bad sense of direction.
(b) Because his guides abandoned him.
(c) Because his map is wrong.
(d) Because he was shipwrecked.

3. Who celebrates Edward's requiem mass?
(a) There is no mass. Edward is buried quickly.
(b) Archbishop Dunstan alone.
(c) Bishop Ethelwold alone.
(d) Dunstan and Bishop Ethelwold.

4. How does Alfhere deal with Alfrida's behavior?
(a) He breaks down the door.
(b) He brutally rapes her.
(c) He hits her back.
(d) He comforts her.

5. What is mixed into Rumon's draught?
(a) Hemlock.
(b) Arsenic.
(c) Rat poison.
(d) Nightshade.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Edward wed?

2. How does Rumon differentiate the Prior from the other monks?

3. With whom does Dunstan suggest that Rumon marry and have children?

4. Who is Gunner?

5. Where does Rumon take the Queen after the King's death?

Short Essay Questions

1. Is Breaca, Merewyn's mother, crazy as Rumon thinks she is when he meets her at the beginning of Chapter 2?

2. What did Rumon say to Merewyn in his letter that he sent to her at the Abbey?

3. What terrible events followed very soon after Edward's Coronation?

4. How does Elfled describe the dream she had to Merewyn while in Ramsey Abbey's garden on the feast of the Assumption?

5. How does Edward describe his love, Elgifu?

6. What happened when Edward's body thane, Gunnar, is sent to Alfrida on Coronation Eve?

7. What does King Edgar look like when Rumon and Merewyn first encounter him?

8. Describe Rumon's appearance when he first meets Merewyn.

9. Why did Alfrida consent to marry Rumon when he asked her again the day after Christmas?

10. When Bishop Ethelwold visited Abbess Merwinna, what did he say happened to Alfhere?

(see the answer keys)

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