Avalon Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avalon Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What year is it at the beginning of Chapter 10?
(a) 982.
(b) 984.
(c) 1000.
(d) The same years as Merewyn was taken.

2. What does the Abbess speak of to the nuns during the interviews?
(a) The nuns lack of courage.
(b) The nuns final vows.
(c) Devotion and Faith.
(d) The nuns lack of faith that God will protect them.

3. How does Merewyn react to what Rumon tells her when they sit down at twilight?
(a) She cries with joy.
(b) She accepts his offer and goes with him to the tower.
(c) She is horrified that he would think that she is good enough to bed but not to wed.
(d) She cries with sadness that her aunt is not there.

4. What does the Abbot suggest to Merewyn regarding her question?
(a) She talk to Brother Finian who lives in one of the cells halfway up the Tor.
(b) She doesn't deserve to know where Rumon is.
(c) She leave the Abbey at once.
(d) She go elsewhere for the information.

5. Who does Merewyn see coming up the road on horseback as she waves good-bye to Asgerd?
(a) Asgerd.
(b) Sigurd.
(c) Ketil.
(d) Rumon and Jorund, his companion.

6. Why are Sigurd, Merewyn, and Orm disappointed when round the cape?
(a) They miss their home in Iceland.
(b) They had lost so many on the voyage.
(c) They see grassland, but no trees are in sight.
(d) They see nothing but ice.

7. How long does it take the ships to get to the land Erik speaks of?
(a) 1 month.
(b) 10 days.
(c) Only four or five days sailing.
(d) 6 months.

8. Where does Merewyn take her aunt's heart after her aunt dies?
(a) To the King.
(b) To Uther.
(c) To the crypt in the Abbey.
(d) To the grave of King Arthur.

9. What does Merewyn ask the Abbot?
(a) Would he baptize her children?
(b) Who is king now?
(c) Where Rumon is.
(d) Could she stay at the Abbey?

10. What does Rumon tell Merewyn when they sit down at twilight?
(a) He wants her.
(b) He wants to marry her.
(c) He is ill.
(d) He must go.

11. Who becomes ill when Ketil goes down to the naust for his daily walk to the Bylgja?
(a) Brigid.
(b) Orm.
(c) Sigurd.
(d) Merewyn.

12. What does Erik tell Ketil when Ketil finds him in the evening?
(a) That Ketil looked old and tired.
(b) That Ketil should not have looked so hard for him because Erik would have found Ketil.
(c) That Erik's wife was expecting their 5th child.
(d) That Erik sailed west to a land where grasslands bordered a central ice cap.

13. How does Merewyn feel toward Elgifu?
(a) She feels pitty but she never really warms to the Queen.
(b) She resents her.
(c) She hates her.
(d) She loves her like a sister.

14. Who leads the Viking attacks?
(a) Ketil.
(b) King Sweyn and his son Canute of Denmark.
(c) Erik the Red.
(d) Orm.

15. How does Rumon react to Poldu's news that Merewyn was taken by the Vikings?
(a) He drops to his knees and prays for her protection.
(b) He cries terribly.
(c) He is angry that Poldu didn't stop them.
(d) He is devastated.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long is it since the Viking raid at the beginning of Chapter 10?

2. When does Merewyn become an official lady-in-waiting to Queen Elgifu?

3. Who do Rumon and Finian find at the church?

4. What does Merewyn want Sigurd to do while at the Althing?

5. What kind of a ruler is Ethelred?

(see the answer keys)

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