Avalon High Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avalon High Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Ellie think is nice?
(a) Will's father but not his step-mother.
(b) Will's younger sister.
(c) Will's father and step-mother.
(d) Will's step-mother but not his father.

2. What is kept at the history museum in Washington, D. C.?
(a) A rare antique humidor.
(b) A book that had been in Ellie's family for generations.
(c) The sword Ellie's father is writing about.
(d) One of the first anagrams ever discovered from ancient Greece.

3. What does Marco invite Ellie to do the next day?
(a) Go swimming.
(b) Go to a polo game.
(c) Go sailing with them.
(d) Go to a horse show.

4. Why did Will look Ellie up in the school directory?
(a) He wondered why she was running in the woods.
(b) He wanted to apologize to her.
(c) He feels he's met her before.
(d) He thought she looked nice.

5. What does the Order of the Bear believe?
(a) Arthur will reincarnate and look for Guinevere.
(b) Arthur will come back to life.
(c) Lancelot will someday be vindicated.
(d) Arthur's killer will return to commit another murder.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Will's relationship to Marco Campbell?

2. What does Ellie think of the majority of the kids at school?

3. Liz and Stacy think Ellie should try to date ____________.

4. What does Ellie wonder about what she saw at the bottom of the ravine?

5. Whom does Ellie notice arguing?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Will being pressured by his father?

2. Why does Ellie pull out her school directory?

3. How does Ellie feel at her first day at school?

4. What does Marco do that seems to be a deliberate attempt to upset Will?

5. What does Ellie notice when she runs by a ravine? Why does she think it odd?

6. What gossip does Liz tell Ellie about Will's family?

7. Describe Ellie's encounter with Mr. Morton at the football game.

8. What do Will and Ellie talk about on the widow's walk?

9. How does Ellie feel about Marco after Will has left the two of them in the hall?

10. Who does Ellie see on the trail with the man she saw in the ravine?

(see the answer keys)

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