Avalon High Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Avalon High Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ellie tell Mr. Morton about the situation on the sailboat?
(a) The boy Will saves.
(b) Will's reaction to the revelations.
(c) Its impact on her.
(d) Marco's violence.

2. What does Ellie tell Mr. Morton she thinks he is?
(a) Delusional.
(b) Overreactive.
(c) Obtuse.
(d) Irrational.

3. Why does Ellie want to have a private conversation with Lance?
(a) To ask him for his help with her new lit assignment.
(b) To tell him about Marco.
(c) To ask him about Will's family history.
(d) To talk to him about Mr. Morton and Jennifer.

4. What does Lance ask Ellie to do that evening?
(a) Call Lance.
(b) Go to dinner.
(c) Go sailing.
(d) Call Jennifer.

5. What does Marco finally say clearly out loud?
(a) Will beat him out of his inheritance.
(b) Jennifer and Lance have been in love for months.
(c) Will's father took Will's affection away from Will.
(d) Will's father killed Marco's father.

6. What does Ellie pick up to take with her to the ravine?
(a) A first aid kit.
(b) A flashlight.
(c) A sword.
(d) A hammer.

7. What does Lance say when he looks Will in the eye?
(a) Lance loves Will like a brother.
(b) Lance will always have Will's back.
(c) What Marco said is true.
(d) Lance does not love Jennifer except as a sister.

8. What does Marco call Lance?
(a) A jerk.
(b) Will's lapdog.
(c) A back stabber.
(d) A traitor.

9. What does Mrs. Wagner say about Will?
(a) She could be his mother.
(b) She is his mother.
(c) She loves him like she loves her own son.
(d) She only met Will when he was a young toddler.

10. What does Jennifer say about Marco?
(a) He is a liar.
(b) He is intent on hurting everyone around him.
(c) He is nothing.
(d) He is a coward.

11. Why does Will not want to go to the naval academy?
(a) He believes in peace and negotiation.
(b) He wants to be a photographer.
(c) He wants to go into the Coast Guard.
(d) He wants to be an archeologist.

12. What does Ellie say that makes Jennifer cry harder?
(a) Jennifer and Lance were made for each other.
(b) Will is going to be fine someday.
(c) Will is not angry with Lance and Jennifer.
(d) Will is capable of handing the situation like an adult.

13. What does Ellie suggest Will do to communicate his desires to his father?
(a) Show his father why Will is interested in past civilizations.
(b) Show his father some of his photographs.
(c) Write a letter to his father.
(d) Ask his stepmom for support and to talk with his father.

14. What does Marco do when they spot some poor kids in a battered boat?
(a) Waves at them and jokes about racing.
(b) Ignores them.
(c) Yells at them to get their junk off the water.
(d) Turns the sailboat towards their boat.

15. Why does Mr. Morton say Ellie cannot help Will?
(a) She came into the situation too late.
(b) She is responsible for helping Lance.
(c) She was assigned to help Marco turn to the light.
(d) She did not know Arthur in her past life.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Will go into the water?

2. How does Jennifer think her social life would be easier?

3. Why does Ellie spend the rest of first period in the bathroom?

4. What does Marco do when the police arrive?

5. Why does Jennifer like being with Lance?

(see the answer keys)

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