Autobiography of Red Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Autobiography of Red Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Herakles and Ancash go downstairs to do in the end of “Roof”?
(a) Fix a plumbing problem.
(b) Greet the horses.
(c) Call for a taxi.
(d) Fix an electrical problem.

2. What is described in the photograph in the opening line of “Photographs: I Am A Beast”?
(a) A pair of grazing burros.
(b) A snake in the river.
(c) A man's naked back.
(d) A guinea pig on a plate.

3. What does Ancash see that prompts him to tell Geryon about the legend in “Eyewitnesses”?
(a) Geryon's tail.
(b) Geryon's wings.
(c) Geryon's tattoo.
(d) Geryon's webbed feet.

4. “Mitwelt” opens with a sentence that states that "there is no person without" what?
(a) "A mother."
(b) "A world."
(c) "A dream."
(d) "A life."

5. Where is Geryon's mother described when he returns home in “Fruit Bowl”?
(a) On the living room sofa.
(b) In the garden.
(c) On the porch swing.
(d) At the kitchen table.

6. How old is Geryon in “Tunnel”?
(a) 22.
(b) 32.
(c) 16.
(d) 25.

7. What does Geryon recall seeing killed in “Aeroplane”?
(a) A grizzly bear.
(b) A deer.
(c) A snake.
(d) A rabid dog.

8. In what city is Ancash's mother's home?
(a) Santiago.
(b) Buenos Aires.
(c) Bogota.
(d) Lima.

9. Where are Geryon and Herakles in the beginning of “Fast Forward”?
(a) The Cafe Renoir.
(b) The Cafe Alton.
(c) The Cafe Mitwelt.
(d) The Cafe Antwerp.

10. What does Geryon imagine he sees in the living room in “Water”?
(a) A parrot.
(b) A dog.
(c) A raven.
(d) A cat.

11. What is Geryon doing when the phone rings in the beginning of “Tunnel”?
(a) He is reading.
(b) He is playing guitar.
(c) He is packing.
(d) He is writing.

12. Lazer claims in “Distances” that the life story of all people involves them doing what?
(a) Clmbing a mountain.
(b) Walking in a forest.
(c) Swimming in the ocean.
(d) Walking on a beach.

13. According to the narrator in “Huaraz,” what "has effects no-one can calculate in advance"?
(a) "Raising a camera to one's face."
(b) "Speaking to strangers in a strange land."
(c) "Falling in love."
(d) "Walking down the street."

14. Where are Geryon, Herakles, and Ancash traveling in “Gladys”?
(a) To Mexico.
(b) To Argentina.
(c) To Peru.
(d) To Brazil.

15. On whose shoulder does Geryon rest his head while traveling in “Gladys”?
(a) On Herakles' shoulder.
(b) On his brother's shoulder.
(c) On Ancash's shoulder.
(d) On his mother's shoulder.

Short Answer Questions

1. The yellowbeard suggests that doctors hide the fact that many children are born with what in “Distances”?

2. What are the women doing by the side of the road when Geryon, Herakles, and Ancash pass them in the end of “Car”?

3. When did World War I begin?

4. What does Lazer say children inspire when he talks to Geryon?

5. What do Geryon and Herakles' grandmother discuss while alone in “Memory Burn”?

(see the answer keys)

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