Autobiography of Red Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Autobiography of Red Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What color are the butterflies that Geryon points out in “Somnambula”?
(a) Red and blue.
(b) Green and yellow.
(c) Red and black.
(d) Yellow and orange.

2. What drink does the centaur give to Geryon in "Geryon's Weekend"?
(a) Cognac.
(b) Water.
(c) Whiskey.
(d) Wine.

3. The poem that opens “Autobiography of Red: A Romance” concludes with the lines, "The only secret people keep / Is" what?
(a) "Immortality."
(b) "Betrayal."
(c) "Nightmares."
(d) "Truth."

4. Who does Herakles grandmother claim to have known in “She”?
(a) Suidas.
(b) Isokrates.
(c) Virginia Woolf.
(d) Gertrude Stein.

5. What are Geryon and Herakles doing in “Walls”?
(a) Going into a cafe.
(b) Playing the piano.
(c) Sitting in a bookstore.
(d) Painting graffiti.

6. The subject in the opening line of “Lava” imagines being what alone in the dark?
(a) A dragon.
(b) A lion.
(c) A woman.
(d) A tiger.

7. What does Geryon's teacher ask his mother at the parent-teacher conference in “Ideas”?
(a) Whether he has been tested for learning disabilities.
(b) Whether he plans to attend college.
(c) Whether he is being bullied at home.
(d) Whether he writes anything with a happy ending.

8. What is Geryon's mother standing next to in the opening line from “Screendoor”?
(a) A statue.
(b) A school building.
(c) The ironing board.
(d) A gravestone.

9. To whom does Plato compare Stesichoros in Appendix A: “Testimonia on the Question of Stesichoros’ Blinding by Helen”?
(a) Longinus.
(b) Isokrates.
(c) Homer.
(d) Suidas.

10. Why does Geryon ask Herakles for change in "Change"?
(a) To buy a newspaper.
(b) To buy food.
(c) To buy a soda.
(d) To call home.

11. Where are Geryon and Herakles sitting in "Sex Question"?
(a) In a movie theater.
(b) In a car.
(c) In Geryon's bedroom.
(d) In church.

12. What does Geryon offer to do for his mother in the end of “Space and Time”?
(a) He offers to take her to the store.
(b) He offers to light her cigarette.
(c) He offers to pour her a drink.
(d) He offers to take her to the bus station.

13. What is the red dog on the beach compared to in "Wings"?
(a) "A distant speck of grain."
(b) "A freed shadow."
(c) "An antelope."
(d) "Roses being burned alive."

14. Stesichoros is said to have spoken a mixed dialect in the novel's introduction. What dialects did he speak?
(a) Agrigento and Calambrian.
(b) Syracusan and Strabian.
(c) Chalcidian and Doric.
(d) Scymnic and Carthaginian.

15. Geryon's mother is described in "Geryon's Reversible Destiny" as being the "Engineer of his" what?
(a) "Softness."
(b) "Birth."
(c) "Mind."
(d) "Creativity."

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Geryon's brother described in comparison to Geryon in the beginning of "Justice"?

2. What does Geryon's mother urge him to do in “Screendoor”?

3. Who took the photograph that is titled “Red Patience”?

4. In the poem that opens “Autobiography of Red: A Romance,” what is said to keep "His never slumbering plan"?

5. What is Helen described as drinking a glass of in Appendix C: "Clearing Up of the Question of Stesichoros’ Blinding by Helen"?

(see the answer keys)

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