Autobiography of George Muller Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Autobiography of George Muller Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Muller marry?
(a) October 7, 1830.
(b) October 9, 1833.
(c) October 6, 1832.
(d) October 8, 1831.

2. What did the orphanage staff do the first three days of 1839?
(a) Sew clolthes for the children.
(b) Build a new kitchen.
(c) Clean the orphanages.
(d) Have prayer meetings.

3. What does Muller say washed away his sins?
(a) His baptism.
(b) His service and dedication to God.
(c) His financial donations to the Church.
(d) The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

4. Where was Muller sent to prepare for university?
(a) Liebamuhl.
(b) Instreberg.
(c) Konigsberg.
(d) Halberstadt.

5. What day did Muller decide to make plans for an orphanage?
(a) November 21, 1835.
(b) November 24, 1835.
(c) November 23, 1835.
(d) November 22, 1835.

6. How tall was Muller?
(a) 6 feet 1 inch.
(b) 5 feet 10 inches.
(c) 5 feet 11 inches.
(d) 6 feet

7. Muller states that _______ is/are the author(s) of the Bible.
(a) God.
(b) Godly men.
(c) Prophets.
(d) Apostles.

8. What did Muller believe that the Bible says about spiritual matters from his day until now?
(a) That things will become spiritually better.
(b) That things will become spiritually worse.
(c) That the world will be damned.
(d) That the world will be converted.

9. What did Muller observe about Christian businessmen?
(a) That they work too much and neglect devotion to God.
(b) That they are always assets in a local congregation.
(c) That they conduct business like the unconverted.
(d) That they should give more money for the Lord's work.

10. In October 1838, what did one orphanage laborer do to buy milk for the orphans?
(a) Sold a book.
(b) Took a second job.
(c) Worked for the dairy.
(d) Sold his donkey.

11. What happened when Muller preached at Pithay Chapel?
(a) The congregation did not want to hear a foreigner preach.
(b) Only 11 people came to the service.
(c) A whole family was converted.
(d) A drunkard was converted.

12. On May 18, 1837, how many children lived in the first two orphanages?
(a) 64.
(b) 109.
(c) 87.
(d) 76.

13. By July 12, 1837, how many day schools had been established?
(a) 5.
(b) 4.
(c) 3.
(d) 2.

14. What did Muller say that expounding the Scriptures encourages the congregation to do?
(a) Ask Muller Bible questions.
(b) Bring their Bibles to church.
(c) Study for themselves.
(d) Pray more.

15. Before attending that first prayer meeting with Beta, what does Muller say he never heard preached?
(a) The Scriptures.
(b) The Gospel.
(c) The truth.
(d) The Bible.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the September 7, 1839, entry, where did Muller go when he left Bristol?

2. Which organization wanted to send a minister to Bucharest?

3. What initially stood in Muller's way of becoming a missionary student?

4. What color clothes did Muller wear?

5. On August 29, 1838, how many believers were baptized in water?

(see the answer keys)

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